

[和合本] 以色列人遵耶和华的吩咐起行;也遵耶和华的吩咐安营。云彩在帐幕上停住几时,他们就住营几时。

[新标点] 以色列人遵耶和华的吩咐起行,也遵耶和华的吩咐安营。云彩在帐幕上停住几时,他们就住营几时。

[和合修] 以色列人遵照耶和华的指示起行,也遵照耶和华的指示安营。云彩在帐幕上停留多久,他们就留在营里多久。

[新译本] 以色列人照着耶和华的吩咐起行,也照着耶和华的吩咐安营;云彩在帐幕上停留多久,他们就安营多久。

[当代修] 他们无论启行还是安营,都遵照耶和华的吩咐。云彩在圣幕上停留多久,他们就安营多久。

[现代修] 人民遵照上主的命令拔营,也遵照上主的命令扎营。云彩停在圣幕上面多久,他们就留在原营地多久。

[吕振中] 以色列人照永恒主所吩咐的往前行,也照永恒主所吩咐的扎营;尽云彩在帐幕上头停住的日子,他们就都住营。

[思高本] 以色列子民照上主的命令起程,亦照上主的命令扎营:云彩停留在帐幕上几日,他们就几日扎营不动。

[文理本] 以色列族启行建营、俱循耶和华命、云覆幕时、民则处营、

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Numbers 9:18

[GNT] The people broke camp at the command of the LORD, and at his command they set up camp. As long as the cloud stayed over the Tent, they stayed in the same camp.

[BBE] At the order of the Lord the children of Israel went forward, and at the order of the Lord they put up their tents: as long as the cloud was resting on the House, they did not go away from that place.

[KJV] At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

[NKJV] At the command of the LORD the children of Israel would journey, and at the command of the LORD they would camp; as long as the cloud stayed above the tabernacle they remained encamped.

[KJ21] At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched camp. As long as the cloud stayed upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents;

[NASB] At the (Lit mouth)command of the Lord the sons of Israel would set out, and at the (Lit mouth)command of the Lord they would camp; as long as the cloud settled over the tabernacle, they remained camped.

[NRSV] At the command of the LORD the Israelites would set out, and at the command of the LORD they would camp. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they would remain in camp.

[WEB] At the commandment of Yahweh, the children of Israel traveled, and at the commandment of Yahweh they encamped. As long as the cloud remained on the tabernacle they remained encamped.

[ESV] At the command of the LORD the people of Israel set out, and at the command of the LORD they camped. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

[NIV] At the LORD'S command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

[NIrV] When the Lord gave the command, the people of Israel started out. And when he gave the command, they camped. As long as the cloud stayed above the holy tent, they remained in camp.

[HCSB] At the LORD's command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD's command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped.

[CSB] At the LORD's command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD's command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped.

[AMP] At the Lord's command the Israelites journeyed, and at [His] command they encamped. As long as the cloud rested upon the tabernacle they remained encamped.

[NLT] In this way, they traveled and camped at the LORD's command wherever he told them to go. Then they remained in their camp as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle.

[YLT] by the command of Jehovah the sons of Israel journey, and by the command of Jehovah they encamp; all the days that the cloud doth tabernacle over the tabernacle they encamp.

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