

[和合本] 耶和华藉他仆人众先知说:

[新标点] 耶和华借他仆人众先知说:

[和合修] 耶和华藉他仆人众先知说:

[新译本] 于是耶和华借着他的仆人众先知说:

[当代修] 于是,耶和华借着祂的仆人——众先知宣告:

[现代修] 主藉着他仆人——先知们说:

[吕振中] 永恒主由他仆人神言人们经手、讲话说:

[思高本] (先知的警告)为此,上主藉他的仆人先知警告说:

[文理本] 耶和华藉其仆诸先知曰、

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2 Kings 21:10

[GNT] Through his servants the prophets the LORD said,

[BBE] And the Lord said, by his servants the prophets,

[KJV] And the LORD spake by his servants the prophets, saying,

[NKJV] And the LORD spoke by His servants the prophets, saying,

[KJ21] And the LORD spoke by his servants the prophets, saying,

[NASB] (The King's Idolatries Rebuked) Now the Lord spoke through His servants the prophets, saying,

[NRSV] The LORD said by his servants the prophets,

[WEB] Yahweh spoke by his servants the prophets, saying,

[ESV] And the LORD said by his servants the prophets,

[NIV] The LORD said through his servants the prophets:

[NIrV] The Lord spoke through his servants the prophets. He said,

[HCSB] The LORD spoke through His servants the prophets, saying,

[CSB] The LORD spoke through His servants the prophets, saying,

[AMP] And the Lord said through His servants the prophets:

[NLT] Then the LORD said through his servants the prophets:

[YLT] And Jehovah speaketh by the hand of his servants the prophets, saying,

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