

[和合本] 别人听见都要害怕,就不敢在你们中间再行这样的恶了。

[新标点] 别人听见都要害怕,就不敢在你们中间再行这样的恶了。

[和合修] 其他的人听见就害怕,不敢在你中间再行这样的恶事了。

[新译本] 其余的人听见了,就必害怕,不敢再在你中间行这样的恶事了。

[当代修] 其他人听说后,都会害怕,不敢再做这种恶事。

[现代修] 其他的人听见也会害怕,就不再有人敢做这种恶事。

[吕振中] 其余的人听见,就会惧怕,再也不敢在你中间行这样的坏事了。

[思高本] 其余的人听了,必然害怕,在你中间再不致有这样的恶事发生。

[文理本] 他人闻之必惧、不复行此恶事、

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Deuteronomy 19:20

[GNT] Then everyone else will hear what happened; they will be afraid, and no one will ever again do such an evil thing.

[BBE] And the rest of the people, hearing of it, will be full of fear, and never again do such evil among you.

[KJV] And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.

[NKJV] "And those who remain shall hear and fear, and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you.

[KJ21] And those who remain shall hear and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.

[NASB] And the rest of the people will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such an evil thing among you.

[NRSV] The rest shall hear and be afraid, and a crime such as this shall never again be committed among you.

[WEB] Those who remain shall hear, and fear, and will never again commit any such evil among you.

[ESV] And the rest shall hear and fear, and shall never again commit any such evil among you.

[NIV] The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you.

[NIrV] The rest of the people will hear about it. And they will be afraid. They won't allow such an evil thing to be done among them again.

[HCSB] Then everyone else will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything evil like this among you.

[CSB] Then everyone else will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything evil like this among you.

[AMP] And those who remain shall hear and [reverently] fear, and shall henceforth commit no such evil among you.

[NLT] Then the rest of the people will hear about it and be afraid to do such an evil thing.

[YLT] and those who are left do hear and fear, and add not to do any more according to this evil thing in thy midst;

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