

[和合本] 因为行非义之事的人,都是耶和华你 神所憎恶的。”

[新标点] 因为行非义之事的人都是耶和华—你 神所憎恶的。”

[和合修] 因为行这一切不义之事的人都是耶和华—你 神所憎恶的。”

[新译本] 因为所有行这些事的,就是行不义的事的,都是耶和华你的上帝厌恶的。

[当代修] 因为你们的上帝耶和华憎恶行事诡诈的人。

[现代修] 上主——你们的上帝厌恶欺诈的人。”

[吕振中] 因为凡行这些事的、凡行不公道事的人、都是永恒主你的上帝所厌恶的。

[思高本] 因为凡做这些事的,凡做事不公平的,于上主你的天主都是可憎恶的。

[文理本] 凡行此非义者、乃尔上帝耶和华所恶也、○

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Deuteronomy 25:16

[GNT] The LORD hates people who cheat.

[BBE] For all who do such things, and all whose ways are not upright, are disgusting to the Lord your God.

[KJV] For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

[NKJV] "For all who do such things, all who behave unrighteously, [are] an abomination to the LORD your God.

[KJ21] For all who do such things and all who do unrighteously are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

[NASB] For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the Lord your God.

[NRSV] For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are abhorrent to the LORD your God.

[WEB] For all who do such things, all who do unrighteously, are an abomination to Yahweh your God.

[ESV] For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are an abomination to the LORD your God.

[NIV] For the LORD your God detests anyone who does these things, anyone who deals dishonestly.

[NIrV] He hates anyone who cheats.

[HCSB] For everyone who does such things and acts unfairly is detestable to the LORD your God.

[CSB] For everyone who does such things and acts unfairly is detestable to the LORD your God.

[AMP] For all who do such things, all who do unrighteously, are an abomination to the Lord your God.

[NLT] All who cheat with dishonest weights and measures are detestable to the LORD your God.

[YLT] for the abomination of Jehovah thy God [is] any one doing these things, any one doing iniquity.

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