

[和合本] “人子啊,你要告诉以色列的长老说,主耶和华如此说:你们来是求问我吗?主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,我必不被你们求问。

[新标点] “人子啊,你要告诉以色列的长老说,主耶和华如此说:你们来是求问我吗?主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,我必不被你们求问。

[和合修] “人子啊,你要告诉以色列的长老,对他们说,主耶和华如此说:你们来是为求问我吗?主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,我必不让你们求问。

[新译本] “人子啊!你要告诉以色列的长老,对他们说:‘主耶和华这样说:你们来求问我吗?我指着我的永生起誓,我必不让你们求问我。这是主耶和华的宣告。’

[当代修] “人子啊,你要告诉他们,主耶和华这样说,‘你们是来求问我吗?我凭我的永恒起誓,我决不让你们求问。’

[现代修] 他说:“必朽的人哪,要告诉他们,至高的上主这样说:你们来求问我的旨意吗?我指着我永恒的生命发誓:不准你们求问。我——至高的上主这样宣布了。

[吕振中] “人子阿,你要告诉以色列的长老,说:主永恒主这么说:你们来是求问我么?主永恒主发神谕说:我指着永活的我来起誓,我是不让你们求问的。

[思高本] “人子,你要向以色列长老发言,对他们说:吾主上主这样说:你们是为求问我而来的吗?我指着我的生命起誓:我决不让你们求问 —— 吾主上主的断语 ——

[文理本] 人子欤、谓以色列长老云、主耶和华曰、尔来咨诹于我乎、主耶和华曰、我指己生而誓、不听尔之咨诹、

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Ezekiel 20:3

[GNT] "Mortal man," he said, "speak to these leaders and tell them that the Sovereign LORD is saying: You have come to ask my will, have you? As surely as I am the living God, I will not let you ask me anything. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken.

[BBE] Son of man, say to the responsible men of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: Have you come to get directions from me? By my life, says the Lord, you will get no directions from me.

[KJV] Son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye come to enquire of me? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be enquired of by you.

[NKJV] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Have you come to inquire of Me? [As] I live," says the Lord GOD, "I will not be inquired of by you." '

[KJ21] "Son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel and say unto them, `Thus saith the Lord GOD: Have ye come to inquire of Me? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be inquired of by you.'

[NASB] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, 'This is what the Lord (Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord , and so throughout the ch)G od says: "Do you yourselves come to inquire of Me? As I live," declares the Lord G od , "I certainly will not be inquired of by you." '

[NRSV] Mortal, speak to the elders of Israel, and say to them: Thus says the Lord GOD: Why are you coming? To consult me? As I live, says the Lord GOD, I will not be consulted by you.

[WEB] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and tell them, 'The Lord Yahweh says: "Is it to inquire of me that you have come? As I live," says the Lord Yahweh, "I will not be inquired of by you."'

[ESV] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD, Is it to inquire of me that you come? As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I will not be inquired of by you.

[NIV] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Have you come to inquire of me? As surely as I live, I will not let you inquire of me, declares the Sovereign LORD.'

[NIrV] "Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel. Tell them, 'The Lord and King says, "Have you come to ask me for advice? I will not let you do that," announces the Lord and King. "And that is just as sure as I am alive." '

[HCSB] "Son of man, speak with the elders of Israel and tell them: This is what the Lord God says: Are you coming to consult Me? As I live, I will not be consulted by you." [This is] the declaration of the Lord God.

[CSB] "Son of man, speak with the elders of Israel and tell them: This is what the Lord God says: Are you coming to consult Me? As I live, I will not be consulted by you." [This is] the declaration of the Lord God.

[AMP] Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Have you come to inquire of Me? As I live, says the Lord God, I will not be inquired of by you!

[NLT] "Son of man, tell the leaders of Israel, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: How dare you come to ask me for I message? As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, I will tell you nothing!'

[YLT] 'Son of man, speak with the elders of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: To seek Me are ye coming in? I live -- I am not sought by you -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

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