

[和合本] 人子啊,你要审问审问他们吗?你当使他们知道他们列祖那些可憎的事。

[新标点] 人子啊,你要审问审问他们吗?你当使他们知道他们列祖那些可憎的事,

[和合修] 人子啊,你要审问他们吗?你要审问吗?你当使他们知道他们祖先那些可憎的事;

[新译本] 人子啊,你要审问他们吗?要审问他们吗?你要使他们知道他们列祖那些可憎的事,

[当代修] 人子啊,你要审判他们?你要审判他们?要使他们知道他们祖先所做的可憎之事。

[现代修] 必朽的人哪,你已经预备好要宣告他们的罪了吗?宣告吧!叫他们记起他们的祖先所做那些可恶的事。

[吕振中] 人子阿,你要审问他们么?要审问么?他们列祖那行可厌恶的事、你要使他们知道,

[思高本] 人子,你应开庭审问他们,叫他们知道他们祖先的丑恶。

[文理本] 人子欤、尔欲鞫之乎、鞫之、使知厥祖可恶之事、

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Ezekiel 20:4

[GNT] "Are you ready to pass sentence on them, mortal man? Then do so. Remind them of the disgusting things their ancestors did.

[BBE] Will you be their judge, O son of man, will you be their judge? make clear to them the disgusting ways of their fathers,

[KJV] Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them? cause them to know the abominations of their fathers:

[NKJV] "Will you judge them, son of man, will you judge [them?] Then make known to them the abominations of their fathers.

[KJ21] Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them? Cause them to know the abominations of their fathers;

[NASB] Will you judge them, will you judge them, son of man? Make known to them the abominations of their fathers;

[NRSV] Will you judge them, mortal, will you judge them? Then let them know the abominations of their ancestors,

[WEB] "Will you judge them, son of man? Will you judge them? Cause them to know the abominations of their fathers.

[ESV] Will you judge them, son of man, will you judge them? Let them know the abominations of their fathers,

[NIV] "Will you judge them? Will you judge them, son of man? Then confront them with the detestable practices of their fathers

[NIrV] "Are you going to judge them, son of man? Will you judge them? Tell them the evil things their people did long ago. I hate those things.

[HCSB] "Will you pass judgment against them, will you pass judgment, son of man? Explain to them the abominations of their fathers.

[CSB] "Will you pass judgment against them, will you pass judgment, son of man? Explain to them the abominations of their fathers.

[AMP] Will you judge them, son of man [Ezekiel], will you judge them? Then cause them to know, understand, and realize the abominations of their fathers. [Matt. 23:29-33; Acts 7:51, 52.]

[NLT] "Son of man, bring charges against them and condemn them. Make them realize how detestable the sins of their ancestors really were.

[YLT] Dost thou judge them? Dost thou judge, son of man? The abominations of their fathers cause them to know,

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