

[和合本] 刀啊,你归在右边,摆在左边,你面向哪方,就向那方杀戮。

[新标点] 刀啊,你归在右边,摆在左边;你面向哪方,就向那方杀戮。

[和合修] 刀啊,要行动一致【“要行动一致”:七十士译本是“要把自己磨得尖利”】,向右边,或指向左边;面向哪方,就向哪方。

[新译本] 刀啊,向右边斩吧!向左边刺吧!无论你面向哪一方,就向哪一方杀戮吧!

[当代修] 刀啊,你要左砍右劈,大肆杀戮。

[现代修] 锐利的剑哪,左右刺杀吧!你所向无敌。

[吕振中] 刀阿,转向后边(根据一些古卷翻译的),右边,前边(传统:安置),左边吧!你面指向哪一方,就向哪一方行杀戮吧!

[思高本] 你的刀锋无论转向何方,或向左,或向右,都应是锋利的。

[文理本] 尔其集合向右、列陈向左、随尔所向、

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Ezekiel 21:16

[GNT] Cut to the right and the left, you sharp sword! Cut wherever you turn.

[BBE] Be pointed to the right, to the left, wherever your edge is ordered.

[KJV] Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set.

[NKJV] "Swords at the ready! Thrust right! Set your blade! Thrust left -- Wherever your edge is ordered!

[KJ21] Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set.

[NASB] Prove yourself sharp, go to the right; set yourself; go to the left, wherever your (Lit face)edge is ordered.

[NRSV] Attack to the right! Engage to the left!-- wherever your edge is directed.

[WEB] Gather yourselves together. Go to the right.Set yourselves in array. Go to the left, wherever your face is set.

[ESV] Cut sharply to the right; set yourself to the left, wherever your face is directed.

[NIV] O sword, slash to the right, then to the left, wherever your blade is turned.

[NIrV] Sword, cut to the right. Then cut to the left. Strike people down everywhere your blade is turned.

[HCSB] Slash to the right; turn to the left-- wherever your blade is directed.

[CSB] Slash to the right; turn to the left-- wherever your blade is directed.

[AMP] Turn [O sword] and cut right or cut left, whichever way your lust for blood and your edge direct you.

[NLT] O sword, slash to the right, then slash to the left, wherever you will, wherever you want.

[YLT] Take possession of the right, place thyself at the left, Whither thy face is appointed.

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