

[和合本] 他们必为你作起哀歌说:‘你这有名之城,素为航海之人居住,在海上为最坚固的,平日你和居民,使一切住在那里的人无不惊恐,现在何竟毁灭了?

[新标点] 他们必为你作起哀歌说:你这有名之城,素为航海之人居住,在海上为最坚固的;平日你和居民使一切住在那里的人无不惊恐;现在何竟毁灭了?

[和合修] 他们必为你作哀歌,向你说:‘你这闻名之城,航海之人居住,海上最为坚固的,你和居民使所有住在沿海的人无不惊恐,现在竟然毁灭了!

[新译本] 他们必为你作一首哀歌说:你这著名的城,航海之人的居所,在海上坚固有力的啊!你和你的居民素来使惊恐临到所有住在那里的人身上,你怎么绝了迹呢?

[当代修] 他们必为你唱哀歌说,“‘你这海上众民居住的名城,向来称雄海上,威震邻邦,现在怎么被毁灭了呢?

[现代修] 他们要为你唱这首挽歌:著名的城市毁灭了!她那些航行海上的船只都被扫除了。她的人民曾经称霸海上,恐吓沿海的居民。

[吕振中] 他们必为了你而举哀唱歌、而论到你说:‘素被颂赞的城,为航海的之人居住,坚牢巩固于海上的阿,你和你的居民素来将你们之可怕加于海上一切居民的阿,你怎么从海灭没而绝迹(传统:被居住)了呢!

[思高本] 他们且作哀歌凭吊你说:你这居于水上,海上称霸的名城,你和你的居民曾威胁过陆上的居民,怎么灭亡了呢?

[文理本] 作哀歌云、有名之邑、巩建海中、为航海者所居、凡寓彼者、无不慑伏、奚倾圮乎、

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Ezekiel 26:17

[GNT] They will sing this funeral song for you: The famous city is destroyed! Her ships have been swept from the seas. The people of this city ruled the seas And terrified all who lived on the coast.

[BBE] And they will send up a song of grief for you, and say to you, What destruction has come on you, how are you cut off from the sea, the noted town, which was strong in the sea, she and her people, causing the fear of them to come on all the dry land!

[KJV] And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!

[NKJV] And they will take up a lamentation for you, and say to you: "How you have perished, O one inhabited by seafaring men, O renowned city, Who was strong at sea, She and her inhabitants, Who caused their terror [to be] on all her inhabitants!

[KJ21] And they shall take up a lamentation for thee and say to thee: "`How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!

[NASB] And they will take up a song of mourning over you and say to you, 'How you have perished, you inhabited one, From the seas, you famous city, Which was mighty on the sea, She and her inhabitants, Who imposed (Lit their)her terror On all her inhabitants!

[NRSV] And they shall raise a lamentation over you, and say to you: How you have vanished from the seas, O city renowned, once mighty on the sea, you and your inhabitants, who imposed your terror on all the mainland!

[WEB] They will take up a lamentation over you, and tell you,"How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men,the renowned city, who was strong in the sea,she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!"

[ESV] And they will raise a lamentation over you and say to you, "' How you have perished, you who were inhabited from the seas, O city renowned, who was mighty on the sea; she and her inhabitants imposed their terror on all her inhabitants!

[NIV] Then they will take up a lament concerning you and say to you: "'How you are destroyed, O city of renown, peopled by men of the sea! You were a power on the seas, you and your citizens; you put your terror on all who lived there.

[NIrV] "Then they will sing a song of sadness about you. They will say to you, " 'Famous city, you have been completely destroyed! You were filled with sea traders. You and your citizens were a mighty power on the seas. You terrified everyone who lived in you.

[HCSB] Then they will lament for you and say of you: How you have perished, city of renown, you who were populated from the seas! She who was powerful on the sea, she and all of her inhabitants inflicted their terror.

[CSB] Then they will lament for you and say of you: How you have perished, city of renown, you who were populated from the seas! She who was powerful on the sea, she and all of her inhabitants inflicted their terror.

[AMP] They shall take up a lamentation over you and say to you, How you are destroyed and vanished, O renowned city that was won from the seas and inhabited by seafaring men, renowned city that was mighty on the sea, she and her inhabitants who caused their terror to fall upon all who dwell there!

[NLT] Then they will wail for you, singing this funeral song: "O famous island city, once ruler of the sea, how you have been destroyed! Your people, with their naval power, once spread fear around the world.

[YLT] And have lifted up for thee a lamentation, And said to thee: How hast thou perished, That art inhabited from the seas, The praised city, that was strong in the sea, She and her inhabitants, Who put their terror on all her inhabitants!

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