

[和合本] 必有刀剑临到埃及;在埃及被杀之人仆倒的时候,古实人就有痛苦,人民必被掳掠,基址必被拆毁。

[新标点] 必有刀剑临到埃及;在埃及被杀之人仆倒的时候,古实人就有痛苦,人民必被掳掠,基址必被拆毁。

[和合修] 必有刀剑临到埃及;被杀的人仆倒在埃及时,古实人颤惊不已。埃及的财富遭掳掠,根基被拆毁。

[新译本] 必有刀剑临到埃及,被杀的人倒在埃及的时候,在古实就有痛苦;埃及的财富必被夺去,它的根基必被拆毁。

[当代修] 必有刀剑攻击埃及,埃及必尸横遍野,古实必痛苦不堪。敌人要掳掠埃及的财富,摧毁她的根基。

[现代修] 埃及将遭受战乱;古实将有苦难。埃及人横尸全境;全国被洗劫,夷为平地。

[吕振中] 必有刀剑临到埃及;在埃及被刺死的人倒毙之时,在古实就有翻腾绞痛的苦情;她的财富(或译:众民)必被带走,它的根基必被拆毁。

[思高本] 刀剑必临于埃及;伤亡者横卧在埃及时,恐怖必笼罩着雇士。她的财富必被抢去,她的基础必被拆毁。

[文理本] 锋刃必临于埃及、其人被杀而仆、古实惨怛、民众被虏、基址倾毁、

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Ezekiel 30:4

[GNT] There will be war in Egypt And great distress in Ethiopia. Many in Egypt will be killed; The country will be plundered And left in ruins.

[BBE] And a sword will come on Egypt, and cruel pain will be in Ethiopia, when they are falling by the sword in Egypt; and they will take away her wealth and her bases will be broken down.

[KJV] And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down.

[NKJV] The sword shall come upon Egypt, And great anguish shall be in Ethiopia, When the slain fall in Egypt, And they take away her wealth, And her foundations are broken down.

[KJ21] And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia when the slain shall fall in Egypt; and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down.

[NASB] A sword will come upon Egypt, And there will be trembling in (Or Ethiopia)Cush; When the slain fall in Egypt, They will take away her (Or multitude)wealth, And her foundations will be torn down.

[NRSV] A sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain fall in Egypt, and its wealth is carried away, and its foundations are torn down.

[WEB] A sword will come on Egypt, and anguish will be in Ethiopia, when the slain fall in Egypt.They take away her multitude, and her foundations are broken down.

[ESV] A sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish shall be in Cush, when the slain fall in Egypt, and her wealth is carried away, and her foundations are torn down.

[NIV] A sword will come against Egypt, and anguish will come upon Cush. When the slain fall in Egypt, her wealth will be carried away and her foundations torn down.

[NIrV] I will send Nebuchadnezzar's sword against Egypt. Cush will suffer terribly. Many will die in Egypt. Then its wealth will be carried away. Its foundations will be torn down.

[HCSB] A sword will come against Egypt, and there will be anguish in Cush when the slain fall in Egypt, and its wealth is taken away, and its foundations are torn down.

[CSB] A sword will come against Egypt, and there will be anguish in Cush when the slain fall in Egypt, and its wealth is taken away, and its foundations are torn down.

[AMP] And a sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish and great sorrow shall be in Ethiopia (Cush), when the slain fall in Egypt and they [of Babylon] carry away her great mass of people and of things and her foundations are broken down.

[NLT] A sword will come against Egypt, and those who are slaughtered will cover the ground. Its wealth will be carried away and its foundations destroyed. The land of Ethiopia will be ravished.

[YLT] And come in hath a sword to Egypt, And there hath been great pain in Cush, In the falling of the wounded in Egypt, And they have taken its store, And broken down have been its foundations.

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