

[和合本] 我使它的枝条蕃多,成为荣美,以致 神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。”

[新标点] 我使它的枝条蕃多,成为荣美,以致 神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。”

[和合修] 我使它枝条繁多,极为荣美;在 神的园中,伊甸所有的树都嫉妒它。”

[新译本] 我使它因枝条繁多而显得秀美,以致在上帝的园中,伊甸所有的树木都嫉妒它。

[当代修] 我使它枝繁叶茂,美丽无比,以致上帝伊甸园里的树木都羡慕它。’

[现代修] 我使它长得美丽,枝叶茂密;上帝的园子——伊甸园中的树都羡慕它。

[吕振中] 我以其枝条之茂盛而使它美丽,以致上帝园中伊甸的众树都羡慕它。

[思高本] 我使它枝叶茂盛而美丽,致令‘伊甸’ —— 天主乐园 —— 中所有的树木都嫉妒它。

[文理本] 我使其枝繁盛、因而荣美、致上帝囿伊甸诸木、咸嫉妒之、

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Ezekiel 31:9

[GNT] I made it beautiful, with spreading branches. It was the envy of every tree in Eden, the garden of God.

[BBE] I made it beautiful with its mass of branches: so that all the trees in the garden of God were full of envy of it.

[KJV] I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him.

[NKJV] I made it beautiful with a multitude of branches, So that all the trees of Eden envied it, That [were] in the garden of God.'

[KJ21] I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches, so that all the trees of Eden that were in the garden of God envied him.

[NASB] I made it beautiful with the multitude of its branches, And all the trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God, were jealous of it.

[NRSV] I made it beautiful with its mass of branches, the envy of all the trees of Eden that were in the garden of God.

[WEB] I made it beautiful by the multitude of its branches, so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied it.'

[ESV] I made it beautiful in the mass of its branches, and all the trees of Eden envied it, that were in the garden of God.

[NIV] I made it beautiful with abundant branches, the envy of all the trees of Eden in the garden of God.

[NIrV] I gave it many branches. They made it beautiful. All of the trees in my Garden of Eden were jealous of it.' "

[HCSB] I made it beautiful with its many limbs, and all the trees of Eden, which were in God's garden, envied it.

[CSB] I made it beautiful with its many limbs, and all the trees of Eden, which were in God's garden, envied it.

[AMP] I made it beautiful with the multitude of its branches, so that all the trees of Eden that were in the garden of God envied it [Assyria].

[NLT] Because I made this tree so beautiful, and gave it such magnificent foliage, it was the envy of all the other trees of Eden, the garden of God.

[YLT] Fair I have made him in the multitude of his thin shoots, And envy him do all trees of Eden that [are] in the garden of God.

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