

[和合本] “人子啊,你要为埃及群众哀号,又要将埃及和有名之国的女子,并下坑的人一同扔到阴府去。

[新标点] “人子啊,你要为埃及群众哀号,又要将埃及和有名之国的女子,并下坑的人,一同扔到阴府去。

[和合修] “人子啊,你要为埃及的军队哀号,把他们和强盛之国【“强盛之国”:原文直译“强盛之国的女子”】一同扔到地底下,与那些下到地府的人在一起。

[新译本] “人子啊!你要为埃及的众民哀号,要把埃及和强国的女子,与下坑的人一同送到地府那里。

[当代修] “人子啊,为埃及的百姓哀哭吧!我要把她与各强国的人民一同送入阴间。

[现代修] 他说:“必朽的人哪,你要为埃及的许多人民哀号。你要把他们和其他强国一起推入阴间。

[吕振中] “人子阿,你要为埃及的众民而哀号哦,将他们、将埃及和大有威力的列国哭丧女、都送下地府之最低处,跟那些下了阴坑的人在一起哦!

[思高本] “人子,你要哀悼埃及的民众,因为我要将她和各强国的女儿推入阴间,同已下到阴府的人在一起。

[文理本] 人子欤、当为埃及民众哀悼、且与名邦之女、陷之于地之深处、与入墓之人相偕、

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Ezekiel 32:18

[GNT] "Mortal man," he said, "mourn for all the many people of Egypt. Send them down with the other powerful nations to the world of the dead.

[BBE] Son of man, let your voice be loud in sorrow for the people of Egypt and send them down, even you and the daughters of the nations; I will send them down into the lowest parts of the earth, with those who go down into the underworld.

[KJV] Son of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them down, even her, and the daughters of the famous nations, unto the nether parts of the earth, with them that go down into the pit.

[NKJV] "Son of man, wail over the multitude of Egypt, And cast them down to the depths of the earth, Her and the daughters of the famous nations, With those who go down to the Pit:

[KJ21] "Son of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt and cast them down, even her and the daughters of the famous nations, unto the nether parts of the earth with them that go down into the pit.

[NASB] "Son of man, lament for the hordes of Egypt and bring it down, her and the daughters of the mighty nations, to the netherworld, with those who go down to the pit;

[NRSV] Mortal, wail over the hordes of Egypt, and send them down, with Egypt and the daughters of majestic nations, to the world below, with those who go down to the Pit.

[WEB] "Son of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them down, even her and the daughters of the famous nations, to the lower parts of the earth, with those who go down into the pit.

[ESV] "Son of man, wail over the multitude of Egypt, and send them down, her and the daughters of majestic nations, to the world below, to those who have gone down to the pit:

[NIV] "Son of man, wail for the hordes of Egypt and consign to the earth below both her and the daughters of mighty nations, with those who go down to the pit.

[NIrV] "Son of man, sob over the huge army of Egypt. Tell the Egyptians they will go down into the earth below. The women singers from the other mighty nations will go down into the grave along with them and others.

[HCSB] "Son of man, wail over the hordes of Egypt and bring Egypt and the daughters of mighty nations down to the underworld, [to be] with those who descend to the Pit:

[CSB] "Son of man, wail over the hordes of Egypt and bring Egypt and the daughters of mighty nations down to the underworld, [to be] with those who descend to the Pit:

[AMP] Son of man, wail over the multitude of Egypt and cast them down, even her and the daughters of the famous and majestic nations, to the netherworld, with those who go down to the pit;

[NLT] "Son of man, weep for the hordes of Egypt and for the other mighty nations. For I will send them down to the world below in company with those who descend to the pit.

[YLT] 'Son of man, Wail for the multitude of Egypt, And cause it to go down, It -- and the daughters of honourable nations, Unto the earth -- the lower parts, With those going down to the pit.

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