

[和合本] “希实本哪,你要哀号,因为爱地变为荒场。拉巴的居民哪(“居民”原文作“女子”),要呼喊,以麻布束腰;要哭号,在篱笆中跑来跑去,因玛勒堪和属他的祭司、首领要一同被掳去。

[新标点] 希实本哪,你要哀号,因为爱地变为荒场。拉巴的居民【原文是女子】哪,要呼喊,以麻布束腰;要哭号,在篱笆中跑来跑去;因玛勒堪和属他的祭司、首领要一同被掳去。

[和合修] 希实本哪,要哀号,因为爱地已成荒地。拉巴的乡镇哪,要呼喊,以麻布束腰;要哭号,在篱笆中往来奔跑;因米勒公和它的祭司、官长要一同被掳去。

[新译本] “希实本哪,你要哀号!因为艾城已被毁灭。拉巴的居民(“居民”原文作“女子”),你们要呼喊,要腰束麻布,要哀哭,要在城墙内跑来跑去。因为米勒公,以及事奉它的祭司和领袖,都必一同被掳去。

[当代修] “希实本啊,哀哭吧!因为艾城毁灭了。拉巴的居民啊,痛哭吧!披上麻衣悲伤地在城墙内跑来跑去吧!因为米勒公及其祭司和官长都要被掳走。

[现代修] 希实本人哪,哀号吧,因为艾城毁灭了!拉巴的妇女啊,痛哭吧!要穿上麻衣举哀,在混乱中到处乱撞!你们的神明米勒公和他的祭司、首领将一起被掳。

[吕振中] “宫堡(传统:希实本)阿,哀号哦,因为城(传统:爱地)已被蹂躏了;拉巴的人民(原文:女子)哪,呼喊哦,要以麻布束腰而号哭!要刻身哀伤在篱笆中而跑来跑去:因为米勒公(传统:‘玛勒刻阿姆’[他们的王]或译[亚扪人的神的名])必流亡去,属他的祭司和首领都必一概流亡。

[思高本] 赫市朋,哀号吧!因为破坏者已来近了;辣巴的女郎!你们该哭泣,穿上苦衣哀伤,割伤自己的身体,因为米耳公要与自己的司祭和公卿,同去充军。

[文理本] 希实本欤、其号啕、因艾已荒芜、拉巴女欤、宜号呼、束麻哭泣、踯躅于藩篱间、盖玛勒堪必被虏、其祭司牧伯与焉、

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Jeremiah 49:3

[GNT] People of Heshbon, cry out! Ai is destroyed! Women of Rabbah, go into mourning! Put on sackcloth and mourn. Run about in confusion. Your god Molech will be taken into exile, together with his priests and princes.

[BBE] Make sounds of grief, O Heshbon, for Ai is wasted; give loud cries, O daughters of Rabbah, and put haircloth round you: give yourselves to weeping, running here and there and wounding yourselves; for Milcom will be taken prisoner together with his rulers

[KJV] Howl, O Heshbon, for Ai is spoiled: cry, ye daughters of Rabbah, gird you with sackcloth; lament, and run to and fro by the hedges; for their king shall go into captivity, and his priests and his princes together.

[NKJV] "Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is plundered! Cry, you daughters of Rabbah, Gird yourselves with sackcloth! Lament and run to and fro by the walls; For Milcom shall go into captivity With his priests and his princes together.

[KJ21] "Howl, O Heshbon, for Ai is despoiled! Cry, ye daughters of Rabbah; gird you with sackcloth! Lament, and run to and fro by the hedges; for their king shall go into captivity, and his priests and his princes together.

[NASB] "Wail, Heshbon, for Ai has been destroyed! Cry out, daughters of Rabbah, Put on sackcloth and mourn, And move about inside the walls; For (See note v 1)Malcam will go into exile Together with his priests and his leaders.

[NRSV] Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste! Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah! Put on sackcloth, lament, and slash yourselves with whips! For Milcom shall go into exile, with his priests and his attendants.

[WEB] "Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste! Cry, you daughters of Rabbah!Clothe yourself in sackcloth. Lament, and run back and forth among the fences;for Malcam will go into captivity, his priests and his princes together.

[ESV] "Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste! Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah! put on sackcloth, lament, and run to and fro among the hedges! For Milcom shall go into exile, with his priests and his officials.

[NIV] "Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is destroyed! Cry out, O inhabitants of Rabbah! Put on sackcloth and mourn; rush here and there inside the walls, for Molech will go into exile, together with his priests and officials.

[NIrV] "Heshbon, sob over Ai! It is destroyed! Cry out, you who live in Rabbah! Put on black clothes and sob. Run here and there inside the walls. Your god Molech will be carried away. So will its priests and officials.

[HCSB] Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is devastated; cry out, daughters of Rabbah! Clothe yourselves with sackcloth, and lament; run back and forth within your walls, because Milcom will go into exile together with his priests and officials.

[CSB] Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is devastated; cry out, daughters of Rabbah! Clothe yourselves with sackcloth, and lament; run back and forth within your walls, because Milcom will go into exile together with his priests and officials.

[AMP] Wail, O Heshbon [in Moab, just south of Ammon], for Ai [in Ammon] is laid waste! Cry out, you daughter [villages] of Rabbah! Gird yourselves with sackcloth, lament, and run to and fro inside the [sheepfold] enclosures; for Milcom [the god-king] shall go into exile, together with his priests and his princes.

[NLT] "Cry out, O Heshbon, for the town of Ai is destroyed. Weep, O people of Rabbah! Put on your clothes of mourning. Weep and wail, hiding in the hedges, for your god Molech, with his priests and officials, will be hauled off to distant lands.

[YLT] Howl, Heshbon, for spoiled is Ai, Cry, daughters of Rabbah, gird on sackcloth, Lament, and go to and fro by the hedges, For Malcam into captivity doth go, His priests and his princes together.

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