

[和合本]  神啊,求你定他们的罪。愿他们因自己的计谋跌倒;愿你在他们许多的过犯中把他们逐出,因为他们背叛了你。

[新标点]  神啊,求你定他们的罪!愿他们因自己的计谋跌倒;愿你在他们许多的过犯中把他们逐出,因为他们背叛了你。

[和合修]  神啊,求你定他们的罪!愿他们因自己的计谋跌倒;求你因他们过犯众多赶逐他们,因为他们背叛了你。

[新译本] 上帝啊!求你定他们的罪;愿他们因自己的诡计跌倒,愿你因他们许多的过犯,把他们赶出去,因为他们背叛了你。

[当代修] 上帝啊,求你定他们的罪,让他们作茧自缚。他们背叛你,罪恶深重,求你把他们赶走。

[现代修] 上帝啊,求你定他们的罪,破坏他们的诡计。求你从你面前把他们赶走,因为他们罪恶多端,背叛了你。

[吕振中] 上帝阿,定他们为罪;愿他们由自己的计谋而败倒;愿你因他们的许多过犯中而驱逐他们;因为他们悖逆了你。

[思高本] 5:11 天主,愿你惩罚他们, 使他们的诡计落空! 为了他们的罪过,请驱逐他们, 因为他们直接对你叛逆不忠。

[文理本] 愿上帝罪之、使自陷于诡谋、因其罪多而驱逐之、盖彼叛逆尔兮、

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Psalms 5:10

[GNT] Condemn and punish them, O God; may their own plots cause their ruin. Drive them out of your presence because of their many sins and their rebellion against you.

[BBE] Send them to destruction, O Lord; let their evil designs be the cause of their fall; let them be forced out by all their sins; because they have gone against your authority.

[KJV] Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.

[NKJV] Pronounce them guilty, O God! Let them fall by their own counsels; Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, For they have rebelled against You.

[KJ21] Destroy Thou them, O God! Let them fall by their own counsels. Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against Thee.

[NASB] Make them pay, God; Have them fall by their own schemes! Scatter them in the multitude of their wrongdoings, For they are rebellious against You.

[NRSV] Make them bear their guilt, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; because of their many transgressions cast them out, for they have rebelled against you.

[WEB] Hold them guilty, God. Let them fall by their own counsels.Thrust them out in the multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against you.

[ESV] Make them bear their guilt, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; because of the abundance of their transgressions cast them out, for they have rebelled against you.

[NIV] Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you.

[NIrV] God, show that they are guilty. Let their evil plans bring them down. Send them away because of their many sins. They have refused to obey you.

[HCSB] Punish them, God; let them fall by their own schemes. Drive them out because of their many crimes, for they rebel against You.

[CSB] Punish them, God; let them fall by their own schemes. Drive them out because of their many crimes, for they rebel against You.

[AMP] Hold them guilty, O God; let them fall by their own designs and counsels; cast them out because of the multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against You.

[NLT] O God, declare them guilty. Let them be caught in their own traps. Drive them away because of their many sins, for they have rebelled against you.

[YLT] Declare them guilty, O God, Let them fall from their own counsels, In the abundance of their transgressions Drive them away, Because they have rebelled against Thee.

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