

[和合本]  神是为我们施行诸般救恩的 神;人能脱离死亡是在乎主耶和华。

[新标点]  神是为我们施行诸般救恩的 神;人能脱离死亡是在乎主耶和华。

[和合修]  神是为我们施行拯救的 神;人能脱离死亡是在乎主—耶和华。

[新译本] 我们的上帝是施行拯救的上帝;人能逃脱死亡,是在于主耶和华。

[当代修] 我们的上帝是拯救的上帝,主耶和华救我们脱离死亡。

[现代修] 我们的上帝是拯救的上帝;他是上主,是救我们脱离死亡的主。

[吕振中] 上帝是为我们行各样救法的上帝;人能脱出死亡、是在于主永恒主。

[思高本] 68:21 我们的天主实在是拯救人的天主,上主天主使我们摆脱死亡的关口。

[文理本] 上帝乃屡救我之上帝、得免死亡、在于主耶和华兮、

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Psalms 68:20

[GNT] Our God is a God who saves; he is the LORD, our Lord, who rescues us from death.

[BBE] Our God is for us a God of salvation; his are the ways out of death.

[KJV] He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death.

[NKJV] Our God [is] the God of salvation; And to GOD the Lord [belong] escapes from death.

[KJ21] He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belongeth the discharge from death.

[NASB] God is to us a God of salvation; And to (Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord)G od the Lord belong ways of escape (I.e., in view of; lit for)from death.

[NRSV] Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belongs escape from death.

[WEB] God is to us a God of deliverance. To Yahweh, the Lord, belongs escape from death.

[ESV] Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.

[NIV] Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.

[NIrV] Our God is a God who saves. He is the King and the Lord. He saves us from death.

[HCSB] Our God is a God of salvation, and escape from death belongs to the Lord God.

[CSB] Our God is a God of salvation, and escape from death belongs to the Lord God.

[AMP] God is to us a God of deliverances and salvation; and to God the Lord belongs escape from death [setting us free].

[NLT] Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign LORD rescues us from death.

[YLT] God Himself [is] to us a God for deliverances, And Jehovah Lord hath the outgoings of death.

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