

[和合本]  神听见就发怒,极其憎恶以色列人。

[新标点]  神听见就发怒,极其憎恶以色列人。

[和合修]  神听见就发怒,全然弃绝了以色列,

[新译本] 上帝听见就大怒,完全弃绝了以色列。

[当代修] 上帝知道了他们的恶行,怒不可遏,彻底弃绝了以色列人。

[现代修] 上帝一看见就发怒,完全弃绝以色列。

[吕振中] 上帝听见就震怒,完全弃绝了以色列人。

[思高本] 78:59 天主一听到,即发愤怒,想将以色列完全摈除;

[文理本] 上帝闻之而怒、深恶以色列、

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Psalms 78:59

[GNT] God was angry when he saw it, so he rejected his people completely.

[BBE] When this came to God's ears he was very angry, and gave up Israel completely;

[KJV] When God heard this, he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel:

[NKJV] When God heard [this,] He was furious, And greatly abhorred Israel,

[KJ21] When God heard this, He was wroth and greatly abhorred Israel,

[NASB] When God heard them, He (Or became infuriated)was filled with wrath And He utterly rejected Israel;

[NRSV] When God heard, he was full of wrath, and he utterly rejected Israel.

[WEB] When God heard this, he was angry, and greatly abhorred Israel,

[ESV] When God heard, he was full of wrath, and he utterly rejected Israel.

[NIV] When God heard them, he was very angry; he rejected Israel completely.

[NIrV] When God saw what the people were doing, he was very angry. He turned away from them completely.

[HCSB] God heard and became furious; He completely rejected Israel.

[CSB] God heard and became furious; He completely rejected Israel.

[AMP] When God heard this, He was full of [holy] wrath; and He utterly rejected Israel, greatly abhorring and loathing [her ways],

[NLT] When God heard them, he was very angry, and he completely rejected Israel.

[YLT] God hath heard, and sheweth Himself wroth. And kicketh exceedingly against Israel.

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