

[和合本] 作饼的粮食是用磨磨碎,因它不必常打;虽用碌碡和马打散,却不磨它。

[新标点] 做饼的粮食是用磨磨碎,因它不必常打;虽用碌碡和马打散,却不磨它。

[和合修] 谷要打,但不能持续地捣,用车轮和马轧,却不轧碎它。

[新译本] 做饼的谷粒怎么要碾碎的呢?从来没有人碾碎它们,虽然他让车轮和马匹辊过谷粒,却不会把他们碾碎。

[当代修] 做饼的粮食要磨碎,没有人会不停地在场上碾压粮食。马拉着石磙在场上轧过,也不会把麦子磨碎。

[现代修] 他也不会不停地使用风车,造成麦子的损害。他知道怎样赶车,轻轻地滚过麦堆,使麦糠跟麦子分开,不致损坏麦子。

[吕振中] 作饼的谷子是辗碎的;从来没有人给打碎的:农夫的碌碡(原文:车轮)虽辊过去,他只是把谷子铺开(传统:他的马)罢了,并没有碾碎它。

[思高本] 五谷岂是要辗碎的吗?不是!人并不将它无限期地压了又压,而是叫碾机滚过,碾出谷粒来,并不是为碾碎它。

[文理本] 若夫五谷、岂轧而碎之乎、非也、不恒扑之、虽以车轮碾之、马蹄践之、亦不之碎、

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Isaiah 28:28

[GNT] They do not ruin the wheat by threshing it endlessly, and they know how to thresh it by driving a cart over it without bruising the grains.

[BBE] Is the grain for bread crushed? He does not go on crushing it for ever, but he lets his cart-wheels and his horses go over it without crushing it.

[KJV] Bread corn is bruised; because he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen.

[NKJV] Bread [flour] must be ground; Therefore he does not thresh it forever, Break [it with] his cartwheel, Or crush it [with] his horsemen.

[KJ21] Bread corn is beaten, because he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen.

[NASB] Grain for bread is crushed, Indeed, he does not continue to thresh it forever. Because the wheel of his cart and his horses eventually (Lit discomfit)damage it, He does not thresh it longer.

[NRSV] Grain is crushed for bread, but one does not thresh it forever; one drives the cart wheel and horses over it, but does not pulverize it.

[WEB] Bread flour must be ground; so he will not always be threshing it. Although he drives the wheel of his threshing cart over it, his horses don't grind it.

[ESV] Does one crush grain for bread? No, he does not thresh it forever; when he drives his cart wheel over it with his horses, he does not crush it.

[NIV] Grain must be ground to make bread; so one does not go on threshing it forever. Though he drives the wheels of his threshing cart over it, his horses do not grind it.

[NIrV] Grain must be ground up to make bread. A farmer separates it out. But he doesn't go on doing it forever. He drives the wheels of a threshing cart over it. But he doesn't let the horses grind it to dust.

[HCSB] Bread grain is crushed, but is not threshed endlessly. Though the wheel of [the farmer's] cart rumbles, his horses do not crush it.

[CSB] Bread grain is crushed, but is not threshed endlessly. Though the wheel of [the farmer's] cart rumbles, his horses do not crush it.

[AMP] Does one crush bread grain? No, he does not thresh it continuously. But when he has driven his cartwheel and his horses over it, he scatters it [tossing it up to the wind] without having crushed it.

[NLT] Grain for bread is easily crushed, so he doesn't keep on pounding it. He threshes it under the wheels of a cart, but he doesn't pulverize it.

[YLT] Bread -[corn] is beaten small, For not for ever doth he sorely thresh it, Nor crushed [it] hath a wheel of his cart, Nor do his hoofs beat it small.

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