

[和合本] 唉!亚利伊勒,亚利伊勒,大卫安营的城!任凭你年上加年,节期照常周流。

[新标点] (耶路撒冷的命运)唉!亚利伊勒,亚利伊勒,大卫安营的城,任凭你年上加年,节期照常周流。

[和合修] (耶路撒冷受围困)祸哉!亚利伊勒【“亚利伊勒”:代表耶路撒冷,意思是“祭坛”;下同】,亚利伊勒,大卫安营的城,任凭你年复一年,节期照常循环,

[新译本] 亚利伊勒、亚利伊勒(“亚利伊勒”意即“祭坛的炉”,代表耶路撒冷),大卫曾在此安营的城啊,有祸了!虽然你一年又一年按时举行节期,

[当代修] (耶路撒冷被围)耶和华说:“亚利伊勒{注*},亚利伊勒,大卫安营的城啊!你有祸了!尽管你年复一年地守节期,*{注:“亚利伊勒”在此处用来指锡安/耶路撒冷,2节、7节同。}

[现代修] 甚至上帝的祭坛,就是耶路撒冷本身,也要遭殃!大卫驻扎过的城要遭殃!尽管一年一年过去,节期依着次序周而复始,

[吕振中] 有祸阿!亚利伊勒(即:上帝之祭坛火盆),上帝之祭坛火盆(原文:亚利伊勒)!大卫扎营过的城!你尽管一年一年,循环地欢乐过节,

[思高本] (耶京受罚与获救)祸哉,阿黎耳, 阿黎耳,达味驻扎过的城!任凭一年复一年,任凭节期的循环,

[文理本] 噫、亚利伊勒、亚利伊勒、大卫张幕之邑欤、任尔年复一年、节期周流、

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Isaiah 29:1

[GNT] God's altar, Jerusalem itself, is doomed! The city where David camped is doomed! Let another year or two come and go, with its feasts and festivals,

[BBE] Ho! Ariel, Ariel, the town against which David made war; put year to year, let the feasts come round:

[KJV] Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices.

[NKJV] "Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city [where] David dwelt! Add year to year; Let feasts come around.

[KJ21] "Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! Add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices.

[NASB] (Jerusalem Is Warned) Woe, (I.e., Lion of God, or Jerusalem)Ariel, (I.e., Lion of God, or Jerusalem)Ariel the city where David once camped! Add year to year, (Lit let your feasts run their round)keep your feasts on schedule.

[NRSV] Ah, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David encamped! Add year to year; let the festivals run their round.

[WEB] Woe to Ariel! Ariel, the city where David encamped! Add year to year; let the feasts come around;

[ESV] Ah, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David encamped! Add year to year; let the feasts run their round.

[NIV] Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David settled! Add year to year and let your cycle of festivals go on.

[NIrV] Jerusalem, how terrible it will be for you! Ariel, you are the city where David settled. The years will come and go. Keep on celebrating your regular feasts.

[HCSB] Woe to Ariel, Ariel, the city where David camped! Continue year after year; let the festivals recur.

[CSB] Woe to Ariel, Ariel, the city where David camped! Continue year after year; let the festivals recur.

[AMP] WOE TO Ariel [Jerusalem], to Ariel, the city where David encamped! Add yet another year; let the feasts run their round [but only one year more].

[NLT] "What sorrow awaits Ariel, the City of David. Year after year you celebrate your feasts.

[YLT] Woe [to] Ariel, Ariel, The city of the encampment of David! Add year to year, let festivals go round.

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