

[和合本] 祸哉!那对父亲说:“你生的是什么呢?”或对母亲(原文作“妇人”)说:“你产的是什么呢?”

[新标点] 祸哉,那对父亲说:你生的是什么呢?或对母亲【原文是妇人】说:你产的是什么呢?

[和合修] 有人对父亲说,‘你生的是什么’,对母亲【“母亲”:原文是“妇人”】说,‘你生产的是什么’;这人有祸了!”

[新译本] 那对父亲说:‘你生的是什么’,或对母亲说:‘你产的是什么’的,有祸了!”

[当代修] 对父亲说‘你生的是什么’或对母亲说‘你产的是什么’的人有祸了!”

[现代修] 谁敢对父母抗议说:为什么把我生成这个样子?

[吕振中] 有祸呀,那对父亲说:‘你生的是什么?’或是对母亲(原文:妇人)说:‘你绞痛产的是什么?’”

[思高本] 祸哉!那向父亲说:“你为什么生子?”或向母亲说:“你为什么生育?”的人!

[文理本] 人谓父曰、尔何所生、谓母曰、尔何所产、其有祸矣、

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Isaiah 45:10

[GNT] Do we dare say to our parents, "Why did you make me like this?"

[BBE] Cursed is he who says to a father, To what are you giving life? or to a woman, What are you in birth-pains with?

[KJV] Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?

[NKJV] Woe to him who says to [his] father, 'What are you begetting?' Or to the woman, 'What have you brought forth?' "

[KJ21] Woe unto him that saith unto his father, `What begettest thou?' or to the woman, `What hast thou brought forth?'

[NASB] Woe to him who says to a father, 'What are you fathering?' Or to a woman, 'To what are you (Lit in labor pains with)giving birth?'"

[NRSV] Woe to anyone who says to a father, "What are you begetting?" or to a woman, "With what are you in labor?"

[WEB] Woe to him who says to a father, 'What have you become the father of?' or to a mother, 'What have you given birth to?'"

[ESV] Woe to him who says to a father, 'What are you begetting?' or to a woman, 'With what are you in labor?'"

[NIV] Woe to him who says to his father, 'What have you begotten?' or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?'

[NIrV] How terrible it will be for anyone who says to his father, "Why did you give me life?" How terrible for anyone who says to his mother, "Why have you brought me into the world?"

[HCSB] How absurd is the one who says to [his] father: What are you fathering? or to [his] mother: What are you giving birth to?"

[CSB] How absurd is the one who says to [his] father: What are you fathering? or to [his] mother: What are you giving birth to?"

[AMP] Woe to him [who complains against his parents that they have begotten him] who says to a father, What are you begetting? or to a woman, With what are you in travail?

[NLT] How terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to its father, 'Why was I born?' or if it said to its mother, 'Why did you make me this way?'"

[YLT] Woe [to] him who is saying to a father, 'What dost thou beget?' Or to a wife, 'What dost thou bring forth?

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