

[和合本] 都一同弯腰屈身,不能保全重驮,自己倒被掳去。

[新标点] 都一同弯腰屈身,不能保全重驮,自己倒被掳去。

[和合修] 这些神明一同屈身叩拜,不能救自己【“自己”或译“重驮”】,反倒遭人掳去。

[新译本] 它们一同弯腰、俯伏,不能保护重负,它们自己反倒被掳去了。

[当代修] 它们一同屈膝降服,不但救不了被掳的巴比伦人,自己也被掳去。

[现代修] 偶像不能自救;它们成为战利品,给带走了。这是巴比伦神明的末日。

[吕振中] 他们一概弯腰跌落,屈身仆倒,不能保全(同词:搭救)重驮,自己反倒被掳而去。

[思高本] 他们都一齐倾倒了,塌下了,神像不但不能救助驮运他们的畜类,甚至连自己也该流徙远配。

[文理本] 彼皆倾覆、同俯伏、不能救其重负、己亦为人所虏、○

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Isaiah 46:2

[GNT] The idols cannot save themselves; they are captured and carried away. This is the end for Babylon's gods!

[BBE] They are bent down, they are falling together: they were not able to keep their images safe, but they themselves have been taken prisoner.

[KJV] They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity.

[NKJV] They stoop, they bow down together; They could not deliver the burden, But have themselves gone into captivity.

[KJ21] They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity.

[NASB] They stooped over, they have bowed down together; They could not rescue the burden, But (Or their soul has)have themselves gone into captivity.

[NRSV] They stoop, they bow down together; they cannot save the burden, but themselves go into captivity.

[WEB] They stoop and they bow down together. They could not deliver the burden, but they have gone into captivity.

[ESV] They stoop; they bow down together; they cannot save the burden, but themselves go into captivity.

[NIV] They stoop and bow down together; unable to rescue the burden, they themselves go off into captivity.

[NIrV] Bel and Nebo are brought down in shame together. They aren't able to save their own statues. They themselves are carried off as prisoners.

[HCSB] The gods cower; they crouch together; they are not able to rescue the burden, but they themselves go into captivity.

[CSB] The gods cower; they crouch together; they are not able to rescue the burden, but they themselves go into captivity.

[AMP] [The gods] stoop, they bow down together; they cannot save [their own idols], but are themselves going into captivity.

[NLT] Both the idols and their owners are bowed down. The gods cannot protect the people, and the people cannot protect the gods. They go off into captivity together.

[YLT] They have stooped, they have bowed together, They have not been able to deliver the burden, And themselves into captivity have gone.

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