

[和合本] 勇士抢去的岂能夺回?该掳掠的岂能解救吗?

[新标点] 勇士抢去的岂能夺回?该掳掠的岂能解救吗?

[和合修] 勇士抢去的岂能夺回?被残暴者掳掠的岂能得解救呢?

[新译本] 被抢去的怎能从勇士手中夺回呢?被俘掳的怎能从强暴者的手里救出来呢?

[当代修] 勇士抢去的能夺回来吗?暴君掳走的能救回来吗?

[现代修] 你能从勇士手中夺走战利品吗?你能从征服者手中抢救俘虏吗?

[吕振中] 勇士拿去的、哪能拿回?强横人(传统:义者)掳掠的、能解搭救过来?

[思高本] 猎物岂能由勇士手中夺回?俘虏岂能由强者手中救出?

[文理本] 勇士所攘夺、岂能脱之乎、强者所俘获、岂能救之乎、

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Isaiah 49:24

[GNT] Can you take away a soldier's loot? Can you rescue the prisoners of a tyrant?

[BBE] Will the goods of war be taken from the strong man, or the prisoners of the cruel one be let go?

[KJV] Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

[NKJV] Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, Or the captives of the righteous be delivered?

[KJ21] Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?

[NASB] "Can the prey be taken from a mighty man, Or the captives of (Ancient versions and DSS; MT the righteous, cf. v 25)a tyrant be rescued?"

[NRSV] Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?

[WEB] Shall the plunder be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives be delivered?

[ESV] Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?

[NIV] Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives rescued from the fierce?

[NIrV] Can goods that were stolen by soldiers be taken away from them? Can prisoners be set free from the powerful Babylonians?

[HCSB] Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered?

[CSB] Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered?

[AMP] Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered?

[NLT] Who can snatch the plunder of war from the hands of a warrior? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go?

[YLT] Is prey taken from the mighty? And the captive of the righteous delivered?

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