

[和合本] 既然看见,就把天使论这孩子的话传开了。

[新标点] 既然看见,就把天使论这孩子的话传开了。

[和合修] 他们看见,就把天使论这孩子的话传开了。

[新译本] 他们见过以后,就把天使对他们论这孩子的话传开了。

[当代修] 他们看过之后,就把天使告诉他们有关这婴孩的事传开了。

[现代修] 牧羊人看见以后,把天使所说关于婴儿的事告诉大家。

[吕振中] 既已看见,就把天使对他们所说论这孩子的话(或译:事)都传报给人知道。

[思高本] 他们看见以后,就把天使对他们论这小孩所说的事,传扬开了,

[文理本] 既见之、则以指斯婴报之之言而播扬之、

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Luke 2:17

[GNT] When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the angel had said about the child.

[BBE] And when they saw it, they gave them an account of the things which had been said to them about the child.

[KJV] And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

[NKJV] Now when they had seen [Him,] they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child.

[KJ21] And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this Child.

[NASB] When they had seen Him, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.

[NRSV] When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child;

[WEB] When they saw it, they publicized widely the saying which was spoken to them about this child.

[ESV] And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child.

[NIV] When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,

[NIrV] After the shepherds had seen him, they told everyone. They reported what the angel had said about this child.

[HCSB] After seeing [them], they reported the message they were told about this child,

[CSB] After seeing [them], they reported the message they were told about this child,

[AMP] And when they saw it, they made known what had been told them concerning this Child,

[NLT] After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.

[YLT] and having seen, they made known abroad concerning the saying spoken to them concerning the child.

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