

[和合本] 到了时候,打发一个仆人到园户那里去,叫他们把园中当纳的果子交给他。园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。

[新标点] 到了时候,打发一个仆人到园户那里去,叫他们把园中当纳的果子交给他;园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。

[和合修] 到了时候,他打发一个仆人到园户那里去,叫他们把园中当纳的果子交给他;园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。

[新译本] 到了时候,园主派了一个仆人到佃户那里,叫他们把葡萄园当纳的果子交给他。佃户却打了他,放他空手回去。

[当代修] 到了收获的季节,他差奴仆去葡萄园向佃户收取他应得的收成,但那些佃户却把奴仆揍了一顿,使他空手而归。

[现代修] 收葡萄的季节到了,他打发一个奴仆去向佃户收他应得的分额。可是他们把那奴仆殴打一顿,叫他空手回去。

[吕振中] 到了节候,他就差遣一个仆人去找园工,叫他们把葡萄园一部分的果子给他;园工竟打了他,送他空手走出去。

[思高本] 到了时节,他便打发一个仆人去园户那里,为叫他们把园中应纳的果实交给他。园户却打了他,放他空手回去。

[文理本] 届期、遣一仆就农夫、令纳园中之果、农夫扑之、使之徒返、

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Luke 20:10

[GNT] When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to the tenants to receive from them his share of the harvest. But the tenants beat the slave and sent him back without a thing.

[BBE] And at the right time he sent a servant to the workers to get part of the fruit from the vines; but the workmen gave him blows and sent him away with nothing.

[KJV] And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty.

[NKJV] "Now at vintage-time he sent a servant to the vinedressers, that they might give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the vinedressers beat him and sent [him] away empty-handed.

[KJ21] And at the season, he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the husbandmen beat him and sent him away empty.

[NASB] At the harvest time he sent a slave to the vine-growers, so that they would give him his share of the produce of the vineyard; but the vine-growers beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[NRSV] When the season came, he sent a slave to the tenants in order that they might give him his share of the produce of the vineyard; but the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[WEB] At the proper season, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him, and sent him away empty.

[ESV] When the time came, he sent a servant to the tenants, so that they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[NIV] At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[NIrV] "At harvest time he sent a servant to the renters. They were supposed to give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the renters beat the servant. Then they sent him away with nothing.

[HCSB] At harvest time he sent a slave to the farmers so that they might give him some fruit from the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[CSB] At harvest time he sent a slave to the farmers so that they might give him some fruit from the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

[AMP] When the [right] season came, he sent a bond servant to the tenants, that they might give him [his part] of the fruit of the vineyard; but the tenants beat (thrashed) him and sent him away empty-handed.

[NLT] At the time of the grape harvest, he sent one of his servants to collect his share of the crop. But the farmers attacked the servant, beat him up, and sent him back empty-handed.

[YLT] and at the season he sent unto the husbandmen a servant, that from the fruit of the vineyard they may give to him, but the husbandmen having beat him, did send [him] away empty.

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