

[和合本] 尼尼微啊,那打碎邦国的上来攻击你。你要看守保障,谨防道路,使腰强壮,大大勉力。

[新标点] (尼尼微的倾覆)尼尼微啊,那打碎邦国的上来攻击你。你要看守保障,谨防道路,使腰强壮,大大勉力。

[和合修] (尼尼微的倾覆)那打碎你的人【“打碎你的人”或译“驱散你的人”】上到你面前。要看守堡垒,把守道路,要挺起腰来,大大使力。

[新译本] 尼尼微啊!那分散邦国的必上来攻击你,你要固守堡垒,严防要道,束紧你的腰,大大增强你的力量。(本节在《马索拉抄本》为2:2)

[当代修] (尼尼微的覆灭)尼尼微啊,攻击者已经向你扑来。你要进驻堡垒,把守道路,集中全力,准备上阵!

[现代修] 尼尼微呀,那要粉碎你的势力已经到了。集中全力,固守堡垒!严防通道,准备上阵!

[吕振中] (希伯来文经卷作鸿2:2)尼尼微阿,那击碎(传统:击散)邦国者上来攻击你呢!你务要固守堡障,防卫道路,紧束腰身,拼命奋力哦!

[思高本] 因为上主要恢复雅各伯的葡萄园,也要恢复以色列的葡萄园, 因为劫掠者抢掠了他们,且破坏了他们的葡萄蔓。

[文理本] 行破坏者至而攻尔、当守保障、防道路、强健尔腰、大奋尔力、

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Nahum 2:1

[GNT] Nineveh, you are under attack! The power that will shatter you has come. Prepare the defenses! Guard the road! Prepare for battle!

[BBE] A crusher has come up before your face: keep a good look-out, let the way be watched, make yourself strong, let your power be greatly increased.

[KJV] He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily.

[NKJV] He who scatters has come up before your face. Man the fort! Watch the road! Strengthen [your] flanks! Fortify [your] power mightily.

[KJ21] He that dasheth in pieces has come up before thy face. Man the defenses! Watch the way! Make thy loins strong! Fortify thy power mightily!

[NASB] (The Overthrow of Nineveh) (Ch 2:2 in Heb)The one who scatters has come up against (Lit your face)you. Keep watch over the fortress, watch the road; (Lit Strengthen your loins)Bind up your waist, (Lit strengthen power greatly)summon all your strength.

[NRSV] A shatterer has come up against you. Guard the ramparts; watch the road; gird your loins; collect all your strength.

[WEB] He who dashes in pieces has come up against you. Keep the fortress! Watch the way! Strengthen your waist! Fortify your power mightily!

[ESV] The scatterer has come up against you. Man the ramparts; watch the road; dress for battle; collect all your strength.

[NIV] An attacker advances against you, Nineveh. Guard the fortress, watch the road, brace yourselves, marshal all your strength!

[NIrV] Nineveh, armies are coming to attack you. Guard the forts! Watch the roads! Get ready! Gather all of your strength!

[HCSB] One who scatters is coming up against you. Man the fortifications! Watch the road! Brace yourself! Summon all your strength!

[CSB] One who scatters is coming up against you. Man the fortifications! Watch the road! Brace yourself! Summon all your strength!

[AMP] HE WHO dashes in pieces [that is, the king of Medo-Babylon] is come up before your face [Nineveh]. Keep the fortress and ramparts manned, watch the road, gird your loins, collect and fortify all your strength and power mightily.

[NLT] Your enemy is coming to crush you, Nineveh. Man the ramparts! Watch the roads! Prepare your defenses! Call out your forces!

[YLT] Come up hath a scatterer to thy face, Keep the bulwark, watch the way, Strengthen the loins, strengthen power mightily.

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