

[和合本] 耶和华复兴雅各的荣华,好像以色列的荣华一样,因为使地空虚的,已经使雅各和以色列空虚,将他们的葡萄枝毁坏了。

[新标点] (耶和华复兴雅各的荣华,好像以色列的荣华一样;因为使地空虚的,已经使雅各和以色列空虚,将他们的葡萄枝毁坏了。)

[和合修] 耶和华复兴雅各的荣华,像复兴以色列的荣华;因为蹂躏者曾经蹂躏他们,毁坏了他们的葡萄枝。

[新译本] 然而,耶和华必恢复雅各的光荣,好像以色列的光荣一样;因为劫掠的人曾把他们劫掠一空,又把他们的葡萄枝子毁坏了。

[当代修] 虽然掳掠者曾掳掠雅各,掳掠以色列,毁坏他们的葡萄树枝,但耶和华必恢复雅各的荣耀,恢复以色列的荣耀。

[现代修] (上主就要恢复以色列的光荣,恢复它遭受敌人抢劫以前的景况。)

[吕振中] [因为永恒主必恢复雅各所夸耀的、正如以色列所夸耀的一样;因为那些劫掠一空者已把雅各和以色列(希伯来文:他们)劫掠一空,将他们的葡萄枝毁坏了。]

[思高本] (尼尼微的陷落)尼尼微,有个破坏者上来攻击你,你应把守堡垒,防守要道,束紧你的腰,集中你的全力!

[文理本] 耶和华恢复雅各之荣、如畴昔以色列之荣、盖劫者已劫之、且毁伤其葡萄之枝、

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Nahum 2:2

[GNT] (The LORD is about to restore the glory of Israel, as it was before her enemies plundered her.)

[BBE] For the Lord will make good the vine of Jacob, as well as the vine of Israel: for the wasters have made them waste and sent destruction on the branches of their vine.

[KJV] For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.

[NKJV] For the LORD will restore the excellence of Jacob Like the excellence of Israel, For the emptiers have emptied them out And ruined their vine branches.

[KJ21] For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel; for the emptiers have emptied them out and marred their vine branches.

[NASB] For the Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob Like the splendor of Israel, Even though destroyers have laid waste to them And ruined their vines.

[NRSV] (For the LORD is restoring the majesty of Jacob, as well as the majesty of Israel, though ravagers have ravaged them and ruined their branches.)

[WEB] For Yahweh restores the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel; for the destroyers have destroyed them, and ruined their vine branches.

[ESV] For the LORD is restoring the majesty of Jacob as the majesty of Israel, for plunderers have plundered them and ruined their branches.

[NIV] The LORD will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of Israel, though destroyers have laid them waste and have ruined their vines.

[NIrV] Assyria once took everything of value from God's people. Its army destroyed all of their vines. But the Lord will bring back the glory of Jacob's people. He'll make Israel glorious again.

[HCSB] For the LORD will restore the majesty of Jacob, yes, the majesty of Israel, though ravagers have ravaged them and ruined their vine branches.

[CSB] For the LORD will restore the majesty of Jacob, yes, the majesty of Israel, though ravagers have ravaged them and ruined their vine branches.

[AMP] For the Lord restores the excellency of Jacob as the excellency of [ancient] Israel, for plunderers have plundered them and emptied them out and [outrageously] destroyed their vine branches. [Isa. 10:12.]

[NLT] Even though the destroyer has destroyed Judah, the LORD will restore its honor. Israel's vine has been stripped of branches, but he will restore its splendor.

[YLT] For turned back hath Jehovah to the excellency of Jacob, As [to] the excellency of Israel, For emptied them out have emptiers, And their branches they have marred.

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