

[和合本] 尼尼微现在空虚荒凉,人心消化,双膝相碰,腰都疼痛,脸都变色。

[新标点] 尼尼微现在空虚荒凉,人心消化,双膝相碰,腰都疼痛,脸都变色。

[和合修] 荒芜,荒凉,全然荒废,人心害怕,双膝颤抖,腰部疼痛,脸都变色。

[新译本] 现在却空虚、荒凉,一无所有;人心惊惶,两膝发抖,全身疼痛,面无血色。

[当代修] 尼尼微被洗劫一空!被洗劫一空!一片荒凉!人们胆战心惊,双膝哆嗦,浑身发抖,面色苍白。

[现代修] 尼尼微毁灭了,一片荒芜凄凉!人心因恐怖而融化;双膝颤抖,力气消失;脸孔苍白无色。

[吕振中] 空空如也,空空、荒芜!人人胆战心惊,双膝软颤,腰都扭转难过,脸都失色变青!

[思高本] 抢掠、洗劫、蹂躏!人心沮丧,两膝打颤,双腰发抖,面无血色。

[文理本] 邑既空虚荒凉、人心消沮、两膝相触、腰间痛楚、面俱失色、

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Nahum 2:10

[GNT] Nineveh is destroyed, deserted, desolate! Hearts melt with fear; knees tremble, strength is gone; faces grow pale.

[BBE] Everything has been taken from her, all is gone, she has nothing more: the heart is turned to water, the knees are shaking, all are twisted in pain, and colour has gone from all faces.

[KJV] She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness.

[NKJV] She is empty, desolate, and waste! The heart melts, and the knees shake; Much pain [is] in every side, And all their faces are drained of color.

[KJ21] She is empty and void and waste; and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together; and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness.

[NASB] She is emptied! Yes, she is desolate and waste! Hearts are melting and knees wobbling! Also trembling is in (Lit all the loins)the entire body, And all their faces have become pale!

[NRSV] Devastation, desolation, and destruction! Hearts faint and knees tremble, all loins quake, all faces grow pale!

[WEB] She is empty, void, and waste. The heart melts, the knees knock together, their bodies and faces have grown pale.

[ESV] Desolate! Desolation and ruin! Hearts melt and knees tremble; anguish is in all loins; all faces grow pale!

[NIV] She is pillaged, plundered, stripped! Hearts melt, knees give way, bodies tremble, every face grows pale.

[NIrV] Nineveh is destroyed, robbed and stripped! Hearts melt away in fear. Knees give way. Bodies tremble with fear. Everyone's face turns pale.

[HCSB] Desolation, decimation, devastation! Hearts melt, knees tremble, loins shake, every face grows pale!

[CSB] Desolation, decimation, devastation! Hearts melt, knees tremble, loins shake, every face grows pale!

[AMP] Emptiness! Desolation! Utter waste! Hearts faint and knees smite together, and anguish is in all loins, and the faces of all grow pale! [Isa. 13:7, 8.]

[NLT] Soon the city is plundered, empty, and ruined. Hearts melt and knees shake. The people stand aghast, their faces pale and trembling.

[YLT] She is empty, yea, emptiness and waste, And the heart hath melted, And the knees have smitten together, And great pain [is] in all loins, And the faces of all of them have gathered paleness.

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