

[和合本] 曾住在他荫下的必归回,发旺如五谷,开花如葡萄树。他的香气如黎巴嫩的酒。

[新标点] 曾住在他荫下的必归回,发旺如五谷,开花如葡萄树。他的香气如黎巴嫩的酒。

[和合修] 以法莲说:“我与偶像有何相干?”我应允他,顾念他:我如青翠的松树,你的果实从我而来。

[新译本] 他们必再住在我的荫下,使五谷生长。他们必发旺像葡萄树,他们的名声要像黎巴嫩的酒。

[当代修] 他要归回,住在我的荫下。他要茂盛如五谷,荣美如葡萄树,声名远扬如黎巴嫩的美酒。

[现代修] 他们要再次得到我的保护。他们要像花木繁茂的花园,像多产的葡萄园。他们要像黎巴嫩的美酒。

[吕振中] 他们必再住我的(传统:他的)荫影下,使五谷生长;他们必发旺像葡萄树,他的名声必像利巴嫩的酒。

[思高本] 14:8 他们必将归来,坐在我的庇荫下;他们必将繁殖有如五谷,滋生有如葡萄;她的声誉将如黎巴嫩的美酒。

[文理本] 居其荫下者必旋归、茂盛如五谷、舒蕊如葡萄、香若利巴嫩之酒、

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Hosea 14:7

[GNT] Once again they will live under my protection. They will grow crops of grain and be fruitful like a vineyard. They will be as famous as the wine of Lebanon.

[BBE] They will come back and have rest in his shade; their life will be made new like the grain, and they will put out flowers like the vine; his name will be like the wine of Lebanon.

[KJV] They that dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine: the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.

[NKJV] Those who dwell under his shadow shall return; They shall be revived [like] grain, And grow like a vine. Their scent [shall be] like the wine of Lebanon.

[KJ21] They that dwell under his shadow shall return. They shall revive as the corn and grow as the vine; the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.

[NASB] Those who live in his shadow Will (Or return, they will raise grain)again raise grain, And they will blossom like the vine. His fame will be like the wine of Lebanon.

[NRSV] They shall again live beneath my shadow, they shall flourish as a garden; they shall blossom like the vine, their fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

[WEB] Men will dwell in his shade. They will revive like the grain, and blossom like the vine. Their fragrance will be like the wine of Lebanon.

[ESV] They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow; they shall flourish like the grain; they shall blossom like the vine; their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

[NIV] Men will dwell again in his shade. He will flourish like the grain. He will blossom like a vine, and his fame will be like the wine from Lebanon.

[NIrV] Once again my people will live in the safety of my shade. They will grow like grain. They will bloom like vines. And they will be as famous as wine from Lebanon.

[HCSB] The people will return and live beneath his shade. They will grow grain and blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.

[CSB] The people will return and live beneath his shade. They will grow grain and blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.

[AMP] They that dwell under his shade shall return; they shall revive like the grain and blossom like the vine; the scent of it shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

[NLT] My people will again live under my shade. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. They will be as fragrant as the wines of Lebanon.

[YLT] Return do the dwellers under his shadow, They revive [as] corn, and flourish as a vine, His memorial [is] as wine of Lebanon.

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