

[和合本] “以法莲亲近偶像,任凭他吧!

[新标点] 以法莲亲近偶像,任凭他吧!

[和合修] 他们喝完了酒,荒淫无度,他们的官长甚爱羞耻的事。

[新译本] 以法莲和偶像连在一起,任凭他吧!

[当代修] 以法莲{注*}与偶像为伍,任由他吧!*{注:“ 以法莲 ”为北国以色列最大的支派,圣经中有时用来代指北国以色列。本卷书中下同。}

[现代修] 以色列人被偶像迷住,跟醉汉为伍。他们继续过荒淫的生活,喜欢羞耻,却不喜欢荣誉。

[吕振中] 以法莲和偶象联姻,任凭他吧!

[思高本] 厄弗辣因与偶像结了不解之缘:任凭他们吧!

[文理本] 以法莲好合偶像、可姑听之、

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Hosea 4:17

[GNT] The people of Israel are under the spell of idols. Let them go their own way.

[BBE] Ephraim is joined to false gods; let him be.

[KJV] Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.

[NKJV] "Ephraim [is] joined to idols, Let him alone.

[KJ21] "Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone.

[NASB] Ephraim is allied with idols; Leave him alone.

[NRSV] Ephraim is joined to idols-- let him alone.

[WEB] Ephraim is joined to idols. Leave him alone!

[ESV] Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone.

[NIV] Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone!

[NIrV] The people of Ephraim have joined themselves to other gods. And nothing can be done to help them.

[HCSB] Ephraim is attached to idols; leave him alone!

[CSB] Ephraim is attached to idols; leave him alone!

[AMP] Ephraim is joined [fast] to idols, [so] let him alone [to take the consequences].

[NLT] Leave Israel alone, because she is married to idolatry.

[YLT] Joined to idols [is] Ephraim, let him alone.

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