

[和合本] 夺了亚扪人之王所戴的金冠冕(“王”或作“玛勒堪”,玛勒堪即米勒公,又名摩洛,亚扪族之神名),其上的金子,重一他连得,又嵌着宝石。人将这冠冕戴在大卫头上。大卫从城里夺了许多财物,

[新标点] 夺了亚扪人之王所戴的金冠冕【王:或译玛勒堪;玛勒堪就是米勒公,又名摩洛,亚扪族之神名】,其上的金子重一他连得,又嵌着宝石。人将这冠冕戴在大卫头上。大卫从城里夺了许多财物,

[和合修] 他也夺了米勒公【“米勒公”是根据七十士译本和其他古译本,亚扪人神明的名字,又名“摩洛”;原文是“他们的王”,音译“玛勒堪”】头上所戴的冠冕,其上的金子重一他连得,又嵌着宝石。这冠冕就戴在大卫头上。大卫又从城里夺了许多财物,

[新译本] 大卫从他们的王的头上夺取了王冠。王冠的金子重三十五公斤,上面嵌有宝石,人把这冠冕戴在大卫的头上。大卫又从这城里带走了许多战利品,

[当代修] 夺取了亚扪王头上的金冠。这金冠重达三十四公斤,上面还镶了宝石,人们将它戴在大卫头上。大卫从城里得到许多战利品,

[现代修] 亚扪人的神像米勒公【注17、“亚扪人的神像米勒公”或译“亚扪王”】有一顶金冠冕,重约三十五公斤,镶有宝石。大卫把宝石取下,嵌在自己的王冠上【注18、“把宝石……王冠上”或译“把王冠戴在自己头上”】。他也从城里掠夺许多战利品,

[吕振中] 大卫从米勒公神头上夺取了米勒公(传统:他们的王)的冠冕,上头的金子重有一担,又有一块宝石;[这宝石、是在大卫头上的那一块];大卫把那城被掠之物搬出来、非常之多。

[思高本] 达味从米耳公神的头上,取下他那重一“塔冷通”的金冠来,上面嵌有一块宝石,达味将这宝石戴在自己头上,并由城中运走了大批胜利品。

[文理本] 夺其王首之冕、其金重一他连得、饰以宝石、置于大卫首、又自邑中、携出货财甚多、

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2 Samuel 12:30

[GNT] From the head of the idol of the Ammonite god Molech David took a gold crown which weighed about seventy-five pounds and had a jewel in it. David took the jewel and put it in his own crown. He also took a large amount of loot from the city

[BBE] And he took the crown of Milcom from his head; the weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it were stones of great price; and it was put on David's head. And he took a great store of goods from the town.

[KJV] And he took their king's crown from off his head, the weight whereof was a talent of gold with the precious stones: and it was set on David's head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance.

[NKJV] Then he took their king's crown from his head. Its weight [was] a talent of gold, with precious stones. And it was [set] on David's head. Also he brought out the spoil of the city in great abundance.

[KJ21] And he took their king's crown from off his head, the weight of which was a talent of gold with the precious stones; and it was set on David's head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance.

[NASB] Then he took the crown of (Or Milcom; MT Malcam, prob. a variant spelling of Milcom; cf. Zeph 1:5)their king from his head; and its weight was a (About 75 lb. or 34 kg)talent of gold, and it had a precious stone; and it was placed on David's head. And he brought out the plunder of the city in great amounts.

[NRSV] He took the crown of Milcom from his head; the weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it was a precious stone; and it was placed on David's head. He also brought forth the spoil of the city, a very great amount.

[WEB] He took the crown of their king from off his head; and its weight was a talent[*] of gold, and in it were precious stones; and it was set on David's head. He brought a great quantity of plunder out of the city.[*A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces]

[ESV] And he took the crown of their king from his head. The weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it was a precious stone, and it was placed on David's head. And he brought out the spoil of the city, a very great amount.

[NIV] He took the crown from the head of their king--its weight was a talent of gold, and it was set with precious stones--and it was placed on David's head. He took a great quantity of plunder from the city

[NIrV] He took the gold crown off the head of the king of Ammon. The crown weighed 75 pounds. It had jewels in it. It was placed on David's head. He took a huge amount of goods from the city.

[HCSB] He took the crown from the head of their king, and it was [placed] on David's head. The crown weighed 75 pounds of gold, and it had a precious stone [in it]. In addition, David took away a large quantity of plunder from the city.

[CSB] He took the crown from the head of their king, and it was [placed] on David's head. The crown weighed 75 pounds of gold, and it had a precious stone [in it]. In addition, David took away a large quantity of plunder from the city.

[AMP] And he took the crown of their king [of Malcham] from his head; the weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it were precious stones; and it was set on David's head. And he brought forth exceedingly much spoil from the city.

[NLT] David removed the crown from the king's head, and it was placed on his own head. The crown was made of gold and set with gems, and it weighed seventy-five pounds. David took a vast amount of plunder from the city.

[YLT] and he taketh the crown of their king from off his head, and its weight [is] a talent of gold, and precious stones, and it is on the head of David; and the spoil of the city he hath brought out, very much;

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