

[和合本] 法利赛人也问他是怎么得看见的。瞎子对他们说:“他把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我去一洗,就看见了。”

[新标点] 法利赛人也问他是怎么得看见的。瞎子对他们说:“他把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我去一洗,就看见了。”

[和合修] 法利赛人又问他是怎么得看见的。他对他们说:“他把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我一洗,就看见了。”

[新译本] 法利赛人又问他是怎样可以看见的。他告诉他们:“耶稣把泥抹在我的眼上,我一洗就看见了。”

[当代修] 法利赛人也查问他的眼睛是怎么复明的。盲人便对他们说:“祂把泥抹在我的眼睛上,我去一洗,眼睛就看见了。”

[现代修] 法利赛人又一次盘问那个人是怎样得看见的。他告诉他们:“他用泥抹我的眼睛,我一洗就能看见。”

[吕振中] 于是又一次法利赛人也问那人是怎么得看见的。那人对他们说:“他把泥铺在我的眼睛上;我一洗,便能看见了。”

[思高本] 于是,法利塞人又诘问他怎样看见了。那人就向他们说:“他把泥放在我的眼上,我洗了,就看见了。”

[文理本] 法利赛人亦问其何以得明、对曰、彼置泥于我目、我洗而明也、

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John 9:15

[GNT] The Pharisees, then, asked the man again how he had received his sight. He told them, "He put some mud on my eyes; I washed my face, and now I can see."

[BBE] Now the day on which the earth was mixed by Jesus and the man's eyes were made open was the Sabbath.

[KJV] Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see.

[NKJV] Then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight. He said to them, "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see."

[KJ21] Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, "He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed and do see."

[NASB] Then the Pharisees also were asking him again how he received his sight. And he said to them, "He applied mud to my eyes, and I washed, and I see."

[NRSV] Then the Pharisees also began to ask him how he had received his sight. He said to them, "He put mud on my eyes. Then I washed, and now I see."

[WEB] Again therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he received his sight. He said to them, "He put mud on my eyes, I washed, and I see."

[ESV] So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, "He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and I see."

[NIV] Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. "He put mud on my eyes," the man replied, "and I washed, and now I see."

[NIrV] The day Jesus made the mud and opened the man's eyes was a Sabbath.

[HCSB] So again the Pharisees asked him how he received his sight. "He put mud on my eyes," he told them. "I washed and I can see."

[CSB] So again the Pharisees asked him how he received his sight. "He put mud on my eyes," he told them. "I washed and I can see."

[AMP] So again the Pharisees also were asking him how he received sight. And that one said to them, "He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and I see!"

[NLT] The Pharisees asked the man all about it. So he told them, "He put the mud over my eyes, and when I washed it away, I could see!"

[YLT] Again, therefore, the Pharisees also were asking him how he received sight, and he said to them, 'Clay he did put upon my eyes, and I did wash -- and I see.'

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