

[和合本] 或者我叫瘟疫流行那地,使我灭命(原文作“带血”)的忿怒倾在其上,好将人与牲畜从其中剪除,

[新标点] 或者我叫瘟疫流行那地,使我灭命【原文是带血】的忿怒倾在其上,好将人与牲畜从其中剪除;

[和合修] 或者我叫瘟疫流行那地,把我的愤怒带着血倾在其中,好使人与牲畜从其中剪除;

[新译本] 如果我使瘟疫流行那地,借着流血的事把我的烈怒倾倒在那地上,使人和牲畜都从那地剪除;

[当代修] 倘若我叫瘟疫在那里肆虐,发烈怒毁灭那里的人和牲畜,

[现代修] “我若使瘟疫在那地方猖獗,在烈怒下消灭一切,把人和牲畜都杀光,

[吕振中] 或者我打发瘟疫去流行那地,使我那叫人流血的烈怒倾倒在那上头,好将人和牲口都从那里剪除掉;

[思高本] 或者使那地发生瘟疫,以屠杀发泄我的愤怒,好从那里灭绝人和兽类,

[文理本] 我若使疫疠流行斯土、泄忿而流其血、绝其人畜、

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Ezekiel 14:19

[GNT] "If I send an epidemic on that country and in my anger take many lives, killing people and animals,

[BBE] Or if I send disease into that land, letting loose my wrath on it in blood, cutting off from it man and beast:

[KJV] Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast:

[NKJV] " Or [if] I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast,

[KJ21] Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury upon it in blood to cut off from it man and beast,

[NASB] Or if I were to send a plague against that country and pour out My wrath on it in blood to eliminate man and animal from it,

[NRSV] Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my wrath upon it with blood, to cut off humans and animals from it;

[WEB] "Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my wrath on it in blood, to cut off from it man and animal;

[ESV] "Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out my wrath upon it with blood, to cut off from it man and beast,

[NIV] "Or if I send a plague into that land and pour out my wrath upon it through bloodshed, killing its men and their animals,

[NIrV] "Or suppose I send a plague into that land. And I pour out my burning anger on it by spilling blood. I kill its people and their animals.

[HCSB] "Or if I send a plague into that land and pour out My wrath on it with bloodshed to wipe out [both] man and animal from it,

[CSB] "Or if I send a plague into that land and pour out My wrath on it with bloodshed to wipe out [both] man and animal from it,

[AMP] Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My wrath upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast,

[NLT] "Or suppose I were to pour out my fury by sending an epidemic into the land, and the disease killed people and animals alike.

[YLT] 'Or -- pestilence I send unto that land, and I have poured out My fury against it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast --

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