

[和合本] 主耶和华如此说:“祸哉!这流人血的城,就是长锈的锅。其中的锈未曾除掉,须要将肉块从其中一一取出来,不必为它拈阄。

[新标点] “主耶和华如此说:祸哉!这流人血的城,就是长锈的锅。其中的锈未曾除掉,须要将肉块从其中一一取出来,不必为它拈阄。

[和合修] “主耶和华如此说:祸哉!这流人血的城,就是长锈的锅。它的锈未曾除掉,要将肉块从其中一一取出,不必抽签。

[新译本] “‘因此,主耶和华这样说:流人血的城,就是长锈的锅,有祸了!它的锈未曾除掉,要把锅里的东西一块一块取出来,不必为它们抽签。

[当代修] 主耶和华说:“这像锈锅一样充满血腥的城有祸了!要把肉从这锈迹斑斑的锅中一块块地取出来。

[现代修] 至高的上主这样说:“充满凶手的城要遭殃了。这座城像生锈没有洗过的锅,里面的肉要一块块地被夹出来,一块也不留。

[吕振中] “因此主永恒主这么说:有祸阿这流人血的城,这有垢渣(或译:锈)在里面的锅!其垢渣(或译:锈)从未刮出;须要一块一块取出来;不必拈阄挑选。

[思高本] 因此吾主上主这样说:负血债的城,有锈而锈不退的锅,是有祸的!从锅中一块一块地取出来,不必拈(niān)阄(jiū)。

[文理本] 主耶和华曰、祸哉血邑、生锈之鼎、厥诱未去、其中之肉、逐一取出、毋庸掣签得之、

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Ezekiel 24:6

[GNT] This is what the Sovereign LORD is saying: "The city of murderers is doomed! It is like a corroded pot that is never cleaned. Piece after piece of meat is taken out, and not one is left.

[BBE] For this is what the Lord has said: A curse is on the town of blood, the cooking-pot which is unclean inside, which has never been made clean! take out its bits; its fate is still to come on it.

[KJV] Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it.

[NKJV] Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "Woe to the bloody city, To the pot whose scum [is] in it, And whose scum is not gone from it! Bring it out piece by piece, On which no lot has fallen.

[KJ21] "`Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein and whose scum is not gone out of it! Bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it.

[NASB] Therefore, this is what the Lord G od says: "Woe to the bloody city, To the pot in which there is rust And whose rust has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, (Lit No lot has fallen on it)Without making a choice.

[NRSV] Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to the bloody city, the pot whose rust is in it, whose rust has not gone out of it! Empty it piece by piece, making no choice at all.

[WEB] "'Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:"Woe to the bloody city, to the cauldron whose rust is in it, and whose rust hasn't gone out of it!Take out of it piece after piece. No lot is fallen on it.

[ESV] "Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose corrosion is in it, and whose corrosion has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, without making any choice.

[NIV] "'For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "'Woe to the city of bloodshed, to the pot now encrusted, whose deposit will not go away! Empty it piece by piece without casting lots for them.

[NIrV] The Lord and King says, "How terrible it will be for this city! It has so many murderers in it. How terrible for the pot that is coated with scum! The scum on it will not go away. Take the meat and bones out of the pot piece by piece. Do not cast lots for them.

[HCSB] Therefore, this is what the Lord God says: Woe to the city of bloodshed, the pot that has rust inside it, and whose rust will not come off! Empty it piece by piece; lots should not be cast for its contents.

[CSB] Therefore, this is what the Lord God says: Woe to the city of bloodshed, the pot that has rust inside it, and whose rust will not come off! Empty it piece by piece; lots should not be cast for its contents.

[AMP] Therefore thus says the Lord God: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose rust and scum are in it and whose rust and scum have not gone out of it! Take out of it piece by piece, without making any choice.

[NLT] "Now this is what the Sovereign LORD says: What sorrow awaits Jerusalem, the city of murderers! She is a cooking pot whose corruption can't be cleaned out. Take the meat out in random order, for no piece is better than another.

[YLT] Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Woe [to] the city of blood, A pot whose scum [is] in it, And its scum hath not come out of it, By piece of it, by piece of it bring it out, Not fallen on it hath a lot.

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