

[和合本] 众水使它生长,深水使它长大。所栽之地有江河围流,汊出的水道延到田野诸树。

[新标点] 众水使它生长;深水使它长大。所栽之地有江河围流,汊出的水道延到田野诸树。

[和合修] 众水使它生长,深水使它长高;所栽之地有江河环绕,汊出的水道流至田野的树木。

[新译本] 众水使它长大,深渊使它长高;有江河从深渊流出环绕它栽种之地,又有支流延到田间的众树。

[当代修] 它在河流和深泉的滋润下茁壮成长,溪流四围环绕它,浇灌着林间的树木。

[现代修] 泉水滋润它;地底下的水使它生长。河流环绕林园,支流灌溉林中每一棵树。

[吕振中] 众水使它长大,深洋之水使它长高,使它的江河流出,环绕种它之地,散布她的众水道流到田野的众树。

[思高本] 水使它长大,渊泉使它长高;河水由四周流入栽植它之地,支流灌溉田中其他的树木。

[文理本] 有水养之、有渊长之、支流四出、灌溉田间诸木、

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Ezekiel 31:4

[GNT] There was water to make it grow, And underground rivers to feed it. They watered the place where the tree was growing And sent streams to all the trees of the forest.

[BBE] It got strength from the waters and the deep made it tall: its streams went round about its planted land and it sent out its waterways to all the trees of the field.

[KJV] The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field.

[NKJV] The waters made it grow; Underground waters gave it height, With their rivers running around the place where it was planted, And sent out rivulets to all the trees of the field.

[KJ21] The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field.

[NASB] The waters made it grow, the (I.e., subterranean waters)deep made it high. With its rivers it continually (Lit was going)extended all around its planting place, And sent out its channels to all the trees of the field.

[NRSV] The waters nourished it, the deep made it grow tall, making its rivers flow around the place it was planted, sending forth its streams to all the trees of the field.

[WEB] The waters nourished it. The deep made it to grow.Its rivers ran all around its plantation; and it sent out its channels to all the trees of the field.

[ESV] The waters nourished it; the deep made it grow tall, making its rivers flow around the place of its planting, sending forth its streams to all the trees of the field.

[NIV] The waters nourished it, deep springs made it grow tall; their streams flowed all around its base and sent their channels to all the trees of the field.

[NIrV] The waters fed it. Deep springs made it grow tall. Their streams flowed all around its base. They made their way to all of the trees in the fields.

[HCSB] The waters caused it to grow; the underground springs made it tall, directing their rivers all around the place where the tree was planted and sending their channels to all the trees of the field.

[CSB] The waters caused it to grow; the underground springs made it tall, directing their rivers all around the place where the tree was planted and sending their channels to all the trees of the field.

[AMP] The waters nourished it; the deep made it grow tall; its rivers ran round about its planting, sending out its streams to all the trees of the forest [the other nations].

[NLT] Deep springs watered it and helped it to grow tall and luxuriant. The water flowed around it like a river, streaming to all the trees nearby.

[YLT] Waters have made it great, The deep hath exalted him with its flowings, Going round about its planting, And its conduits it hath sent forth unto all trees of the field.

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