

[和合本] 田野的树必结果,地也必有出产。他们必在故土安然居住。我折断他们所负的轭,救他们脱离那以他们为奴之人的手。那时,他们就知道我是耶和华。

[新标点] 田野的树必结果,地也必有出产;他们必在故土安然居住。我折断他们所负的轭,救他们脱离那以他们为奴之人的手;那时,他们就知道我是耶和华。

[和合修] 田野的树木必结果子,地也必有出产;他们要在自己的土地安然居住。我折断他们所负的轭,救他们脱离奴役他们之人的手;那时,他们就知道我是耶和华。

[新译本] 田野的树木必结果子,地也必有出产;他们必在自己的土地上安居。我打断他们所负的轭,救他们脱离奴役者的手的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。

[当代修] 田间的树木必结果子,土地必长出庄稼,他们要在故乡安居。我要折断他们所负的轭,从奴役他们的人手中把他们拯救出来,他们便知道我是耶和华。

[现代修] 果树会结果子,田园会出五榖;人人都将在自己的土地上安居。当我砍断我子民的锁练,从奴役者手里释放他们的时候,他们就知道我是上主。

[吕振中] 田野的树必结果子,地必生出土产;他们必在本地安然自在;我折断他们所负的轭,援救他们脱离奴役他们者的手;那时他们就知道我乃是永恒主。

[思高本] 因此田间的树木要结果,地要有出产;他们将安居在本乡。当我打断他们所负的轭(è),由奴役他们者的手中救出他们时,他们必承认我是上主。

[文理本] 田野之树结实、土壤产物、民得安居其地、我既折其轭、救其脱于所服役者之手、彼则知我乃耶和华、

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Ezekiel 34:27

[GNT] The trees will bear fruit, the fields will produce crops, and everyone will live in safety on his own land. When I break my people's chains and set them free from those who made them slaves, then they will know that I am the LORD.

[BBE] And the tree of the field will give its fruit and the earth will give its increase, and they will be safe in their land; and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I have had their yoke broken and have given them salvation from the hands of those

[KJV] And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those tha

[NKJV] "Then the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase. They shall be safe in their land; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

[KJ21] And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hand of those that se

[NASB] Also the tree of the field will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its produce, and they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have saved them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

[NRSV] The trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase. They shall be secure on their soil; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke, and save them from the hands of those who enslaved th

[WEB] The tree of the field will yield its fruit, and the earth will yield its increase, and they will be secure in their land. Then they will know that I am Yahweh, when I have broken the bars of their yoke, and have delivered them out of the hand of those who made slaves of them.

[ESV] And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, and they shall be secure in their land. And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

[NIV] The trees of the field will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them.

[NIrV] The trees in the fields will bear their fruit. And the ground will produce its crops. The people will be secure in their land. I will break the chains that hold them. I will save them from the powerful hands of those who made them slaves. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

[HCSB] The trees of the field will give their fruit, and the land will yield its produce; My flock will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslave them.

[CSB] The trees of the field will give their fruit, and the land will yield its produce; My flock will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslave them.

[AMP] And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit and the earth shall yield its increase; and [My people] shall be secure in their land, and they shall be confident and know (understand and realize) that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have delivered them out of the hand of those who made slaves of them.

[NLT] The orchards and fields of my people will yield bumper crops, and everyone will live in safety. When I have broken their chains of slavery and rescued them from those who enslaved them, then they will know that I am the LORD.

[YLT] And given hath the tree of the field its fruit, And the land doth give her increase, And they have been on their land confident, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My breaking the bands of their yoke, And I have delivered them from the hand of those laying service on them.

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