

[和合本] 耶和华说:“你们为何与我争辩呢?你们都违背了我。

[新标点] 耶和华说:你们为何与我争辩呢?你们都违背了我。

[和合修] “你们为何与我争辩呢?你们都违背了我。这是耶和华说的。

[新译本] 你们为什么跟我争辩呢?你们都悖逆了我!”这是耶和华的宣告。

[当代修] “你们为什么指控我呢?你们都背叛了我。这是耶和华说的。

[现代修] 你们都是叛徒!为什么还跟我争辩呢?

[吕振中] “永恒主发神谕说:你们为什么跟我争辩呢?你们都悖逆了我。

[思高本] 你们背叛了我,为什么又向我提出抗议──上主的断语──

[文理本] 耶和华曰、尔悉干罪于我、曷与我辩乎、

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Jeremiah 2:29

[GNT] What is your complaint? Why have you rebelled against me?

[BBE] Why will you put forward your cause against me? You have all done evil against me, says the Lord.

[KJV] Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all have transgressed against me, saith the LORD.

[NKJV] " Why will you plead with Me? You all have transgressed against Me," says the LORD.

[KJ21] "Why will ye plead with Me? Ye all have transgressed against Me," saith the LORD.

[NASB] "Why do you contend with Me? You have all revolted against Me," declares the Lord.

[NRSV] Why do you complain against me? You have all rebelled against me, says the LORD.

[WEB] "Why will you contend with me? You all have transgressed against me," says Yahweh.

[ESV] "Why do you contend with me? You have all transgressed against me, declares the LORD.

[NIV] "Why do you bring charges against me? You have all rebelled against me," declares the LORD.

[NIrV] "Why do you bring charges against me? All of you have refused to obey me," announces the Lord.

[HCSB] Why do you bring a case against Me? All of you have rebelled against Me. [This is] the LORD's declaration.

[CSB] Why do you bring a case against Me? All of you have rebelled against Me. [This is] the LORD's declaration.

[AMP] Why do you complain and remonstrate against My wrath? You all have rebelled and revolted against Me, says the Lord.

[NLT] Why do you accuse me of doing wrong? You are the ones who have rebelled," says the LORD.

[YLT] Why do ye strive with Me? All of you have transgressed against Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

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