

[和合本] 求耶和华施行拯救;我们呼求的时候,愿王应允我们。

[新标点] 求耶和华施行拯救;我们呼求的时候,愿王应允我们!

[和合修] 耶和华啊,求你拯救;我们呼求的时候,愿王应允我们!【本节七十士译本是“主啊,求你拯救王;我们呼求你的那一天,求你应允我们!”】

[新译本] 耶和华啊!求你拯救君王!我们呼求的时候,愿你应允我们(“愿你应允我们”按照《马索拉抄本》应作“愿他应允我们”;现参照《七十士译本》翻译)。

[当代修] 耶和华啊,求你拯救你立的王。我们呼求的时候,求你垂听。

[现代修] 上主啊,求你使君王得胜;我们呼求的时候,求你应答【注13、“求你应答”是根据一些古译本,希伯来文是“他会答应”】。

[吕振中] 永恒主阿,求你使王得胜;我们呼求的时候,愿你应我们(传统:永恒主阿,求你赐得胜;我们呼求的日子愿王应我们)。

[思高本] 20:10 上主,求你赐于君王获胜,我们求你时,请俯允我们。

[文理本] 愿耶和华拯救、我呼吁时、愿王俞允兮、

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Psalms 20:9

[GNT] Give victory to the king, O LORD; answer us when we call.

[BBE] Come to our help, Lord: let the king give ear to our cry.

[KJV] Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.

[NKJV] Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call.

[KJ21] Save us, LORD! Let the King hear us when we call.

[NASB] (Or O Lord, save the king; answer us)Save, Lord; May the King answer us on the day we call.

[NRSV] Give victory to the king, O LORD; answer us when we call.

[WEB] Save, Yahweh! Let the King answer us when we call!

[ESV] O LORD, save the king! May he answer us when we call.

[NIV] O LORD, save the king! Answer us when we call!

[NIrV] Lord, save the king! Answer us when we call out to you!

[HCSB] LORD, give victory to the king! May He answer us on the day that we call.

[CSB] LORD, give victory to the king! May He answer us on the day that we call.

[AMP] O Lord, give victory; let the King answer us when we call.

[NLT] Give victory to our king, O LORD! Answer our cry for help. For the choir director: A psalm of David.

[YLT] O Jehovah, save the king, He doth answer us in the day we call!

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