

[和合本] 要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他,以圣洁的妆饰(“的”或作“为”)敬拜耶和华。

[新标点] 要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他,以圣洁的【的:或译为】妆饰敬拜耶和华。

[和合修] 要将耶和华的名的荣耀归给他,要敬拜神圣荣耀的耶和华【“要敬拜…耶和华”或译“以圣洁的妆饰敬拜耶和华”】。

[新译本] 要把耶和华的名的荣耀归给他,要以圣洁的装束敬拜耶和华(“要以圣洁的装束敬拜耶和华”或译:“在耶和华显现的时候,要敬拜他”,或“要在耶和华圣洁的光辉中敬拜他”)。

[当代修] 要赞美祂荣耀的名,穿上圣洁的衣服敬拜祂。

[现代修] 你们要歌颂上主荣耀的尊名;你们要敬拜神圣威严的上主【注21、“你们要敬拜神圣威严的上主”或译“当上主显圣的时候要俯伏敬拜”】。

[吕振中] 要将永恒主的名应得的荣耀归与他;要用圣别的威仪敬拜永恒主。

[思高本] 29:2 请将主名的荣耀,归于上主,穿上圣洁的华服,朝拜上主。

[文理本] 以其名应得之荣、归于耶和华、衣圣美之服、而敬拜之兮、

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Psalms 29:2

[GNT] Praise the LORD's glorious name; bow down before the Holy One when he appears.

[BBE] Give to the Lord the full glory of his name; give him worship in holy robes.

[KJV] Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

[NKJV] Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

[KJ21] Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

[NASB] Ascribe to the Lord the glory (Lit of His name)due His name; Worship the Lord in holy attire.

[NRSV] Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his name; worship the LORD in holy splendor.

[WEB] Ascribe to Yahweh the glory due to his name. Worship Yahweh in holy array.

[ESV] Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.

[NIV] Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

[NIrV] Praise the Lord for the glory that belongs to him. Worship the Lord because of his beauty and holiness.

[HCSB] Give the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of [His] holiness.

[CSB] Give the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of [His] holiness.

[AMP] Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness or in holy array.

[NLT] Honor the LORD for the glory of his name. Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

[YLT] Ascribe to Jehovah the honour of His name, Bow yourselves to Jehovah, In the beauty of holiness.

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