

[和合本]  神在其宫中自显为避难所。

[新标点]  神在其宫中,自显为避难所。

[和合修]  神在城的宫殿中,自显为避难所。

[新译本] 上帝在城的堡垒中,显明自己是避难所。

[当代修] 上帝在城内的宫中,祂亲自做这城的庇护。

[现代修] 上帝在城的堡垒中,他显示自己是安全的避难所。

[吕振中] 在城里的宫堡中上帝使自已显为高垒。

[思高本] 48:4 天主居于堡垒的中央,显自己为稳固的保障。

[文理本] 上帝在其宫室、自显为高台兮、

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Psalms 48:3

[GNT] God has shown that there is safety with him inside the fortresses of the city.

[BBE] In its buildings God is seen to be a high tower.

[KJV] God is known in her palaces for a refuge.

[NKJV] God [is] in her palaces; He is known as her refuge.

[KJ21] God is known in her palaces as a refuge.

[NASB] In its palaces, God has made Himself known as a stronghold.

[NRSV] Within its citadels God has shown himself a sure defense.

[WEB] God has shown himself in her citadels as a refuge.

[ESV] Within her citadels God has made himself known as a fortress.

[NIV] God is in her citadels; he has shown himself to be her fortress.

[NIrV] God is there to keep it safe. He has shown himself to be like a fort to the city.

[HCSB] God is known as a stronghold in its citadels.

[CSB] God is known as a stronghold in its citadels.

[AMP] God has made Himself known in her palaces as a Refuge (a High Tower and a Stronghold).

[NLT] God himself is in Jerusalem's towers, revealing himself as its defender.

[YLT] God in her high places is known for a tower.

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