

[和合本] 又将他的约柜(原文作“能力”)交与人掳去,将他的荣耀交在敌人手中。

[新标点] 又将他的约柜【原文是能力】交与人掳去,将他的荣耀交在敌人手中;

[和合修] 又将他有能力的约柜【“有能力的约柜”:原文是“能力”】交给人掳去,将他的荣耀交在敌人手中;

[新译本] 他又把象征他权能的约柜交给人掳去,把他的荣美交在敌人的手里,

[当代修] 祂任凭自己的约柜被人掳去,让自己的荣耀落在敌人手中。

[现代修] 他容许仇敌夺走了约柜,那彰显他权能、荣耀的象征。

[吕振中] 他又将他的能力交与人掠去,将他的荣美交在敌人手中。

[思高本] 78:61 让自己的力量为人俘掳,将自己的光荣交于敌手;

[文理本] 使其力被劫、付其荣于敌兮、

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Psalms 78:61

[GNT] He allowed our enemies to capture the Covenant Box, the symbol of his power and glory.

[BBE] And he let his strength be taken prisoner, and gave his glory into the hands of his hater.

[KJV] And delivered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the enemy's hand.

[NKJV] And delivered His strength into captivity, And His glory into the enemy's hand.

[KJ21] and delivered His strength into captivity, and His glory into the enemy's hand.

[NASB] And He gave up His strength to captivity And His glory into the hand of the enemy.

[NRSV] and delivered his power to captivity, his glory to the hand of the foe.

[WEB] and delivered his strength into captivity, his glory into the adversary's hand.

[ESV] and delivered his power to captivity, his glory to the hand of the foe.

[NIV] He sent the ark of his might into captivity, his splendor into the hands of the enemy.

[NIrV] He allowed the ark to be captured. Into the hands of his enemies he sent the ark where his glory rested.

[HCSB] He gave up His strength to captivity and His splendor to the hand of a foe.

[CSB] He gave up His strength to captivity and His splendor to the hand of a foe.

[AMP] And delivered His strength and power (the ark of the covenant) into captivity, and His glory into the hands of the foe (the Philistines). [I Sam. 4:21.]

[NLT] He allowed the Ark of his might to be captured; he surrendered his glory into enemy hands.

[YLT] And He giveth His strength to captivity, And His beauty into the hand of an adversary,

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