

[和合本] 那时你心里必说:‘我既丧子独居,是被掳的,漂流在外,谁给我生这些,谁将这些养大呢?撇下我一人独居的时候,这些在哪里呢?’”

[新标点] 那时你心里必说:我既丧子独居,是被掳的,漂流在外。谁给我生这些?谁将这些养大呢?撇下我一人独居的时候,这些在哪里呢?

[和合修] 那时你心里必说:“我既丧子不育,被掳,飘流在外【七十士译本没有“被掳,飘流在外”】,谁给我生了这些?谁将他们养大呢?看哪,我被撇下独自一人时,他们都在哪里呢?”

[新译本] 那时你心里必说:‘我既丧子,又不能生育;我是被掳的,又是被放逐在外的,谁给我生了这些孩子呢?谁把这些孩子养大呢?看哪!我独自一人被撇下,这些孩子是从哪里来的呢?’”

[当代修] 你会在心里问,‘我丧失了儿女、不再生育、流亡在外、漂流不定,谁给我生了这些儿女?谁把他们养大?我孤身一人,他们是从哪里来的?’”

[现代修] 那时你会对自己说:谁替我生了这许多孩子?我的孩子都夭折,我已断了生机;我逃亡在外,到处流浪,是谁带大了这些孩子呢?我孤苦伶仃;这些孩子从哪里来呢?

[吕振中] 那时你心里必说:‘我既丧子,又不能孕育,又是被掳、被放逐于外的,谁给我生了这些孩子呢?谁将这些孩子养大呢?看哪,我被剩下、独自一人:这些孩子从哪儿来呢?’”

[思高本] 那时你心里会问:“谁给我生育了这些人呢?我原是不妊不孕的,【且是流放被逐的,】这些人是谁给我养大的?看!我本是孤苦零丁的,他们却是从哪里来的?”

[文理本] 尔将自谓、我既丧子、孑然一身、见逐流离、若辈谁所诞育耶、且我独居、若辈何从而有耶、○

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Isaiah 49:21

[GNT] Then you will say to yourself, 'Who bore all these children for me? I lost my children and could have no more. I was exiled and driven away- who brought these children up? I was left all alone- where did these children come from?'"

[BBE] Then you will say in your heart, Who has given me all these children? when my children had been taken from me, and I was no longer able to have others, who took care of these? when I was by myself, where then were these?

[KJV] Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

[NKJV] Then you will say in your heart, 'Who has begotten these for me, Since I have lost my children and am desolate, A captive, and wandering to and fro? And who has brought these up? There I was, left alone; But these, where [were] they?' "

[KJ21] Then shalt thou say in thine heart, `Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children and am desolate, a captive and removing to and fro? And who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?'"

[NASB] Then you will say in your heart, 'Who has fathered these for me, Since I have been bereaved of my children And cannot conceive, and I am an exile, and a wanderer? And who has raised these? Behold, I was left alone; (Lit These, where are they?)Where are these from?'"

[NRSV] Then you will say in your heart, "Who has borne me these? I was bereaved and barren, exiled and put away-- so who has reared these? I was left all alone-- where then have these come from?"

[WEB] Then you will say in your heart, 'Who has conceived these for me, since I have been bereaved of my children and am alone, an exile, and wandering back and forth?Who has brought these up? Behold, I was left alone. Where were these?'"

[ESV] Then you will say in your heart: 'Who has borne me these? I was bereaved and barren, exiled and put away, but who has brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; from where have these come?'"

[NIV] Then you will say in your heart, 'Who bore me these? I was bereaved and barren; I was exiled and rejected. Who brought these up? I was left all alone, but these--where have they come from?'"

[NIrV] Then you will say to yourself, 'Whose children are these? I lost my children. And I couldn't have any more. My children were taken far away from me. And no one wanted them. Who brought these children up? I was left all alone. So where have these children come from?' "

[HCSB] Then you will say within yourself: Who fathered these for me? I was deprived of my children and barren, exiled and wandering-- but who brought them up? See, I was left by myself-- but these, where did they come from?"

[CSB] Then you will say within yourself: Who fathered these for me? I was deprived of my children and barren, exiled and wandering-- but who brought them up? See, I was left by myself-- but these, where did they come from?"

[AMP] Then [Zion], you will say in your heart, Who has borne me all these children, seeing that I lost my offspring and am alone and barren and unfruitful, an exile put away and wandering hither and thither? And who brought them up? Behold, I was left alone [put away by the Lord, my Husband]; from where then did all these children come?

[NLT] Then you will think to yourself, 'Who has given me all these descendants? For most of my children were killed, and the rest were carried away into exile. I was left here all alone. Where did all these people come from? Who bore these children? Who raised them for me?'"

[YLT] And thou hast said in thy heart: 'Who hath begotten for me -- these? And I bereaved and gloomy, A captive, and turned aside, And these -- who hath nourished? Lo, I -- I was left by myself, these -- whence [are] they?

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