

[和合本] 三十亩葡萄园只出一罢特酒,一贺梅珥谷种只结一伊法粮食。”

[新标点] 三十亩葡萄园只出一罢特酒;一贺梅珥谷种只结一伊法粮食。

[和合修] 十亩【“亩”:古希伯来面积单位;参“度量衡表”】的葡萄园只酿出一罢特的酒,一贺梅珥的谷种只结一伊法粮食。”

[新译本] 十公顷葡萄园只出二十二公升酒;二百二十公升谷种只结二十二公升粮食。”

[当代修] 三十亩葡萄园只产二十升酒,二百公斤种子只产二十公斤粮食。”

[现代修] 十公顷的葡萄园顶多酿十公升的酒;十篮麦种还收不到一篮麦子。”

[吕振中] 十亩葡萄园、只出一罢特酒;一贺梅珥谷种、只结一伊法粮食。”

[思高本] 十亩葡萄园将只出一“巴特”酒,一“曷默尔”种子,只出一“厄法”谷。

[文理本] 葡萄园三十亩、将产酒一罢特、谷种一贺梅尔、仅产谷一伊法、

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Isaiah 5:10

[GNT] The grapevines growing on five acres of land will yield only five gallons of wine. Ten bushels of seed will produce only one bushel of grain."

[BBE] For ten fields of vines will only give one measure of wine, and a great amount of seed will only give a small measure of grain.

[KJV] Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah.

[NKJV] For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, And a homer of seed shall yield one ephah."

[KJ21] Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield but one bath, and a homer of seed shall yield but an ephah."

[NASB] For ten acres of vineyard will yield only one (About 6 gallons or 23 liters)bath of wine, And a (About 7.7 cubic feet or 0.22 cubit meters or more)homer of seed will yield only an (About 1 cubic foot or 0.03 cubic meters)ephah of grain."

[NRSV] For ten acres of vineyard shall yield but one bath, and a homer of seed shall yield a mere ephah.

[WEB] For ten acres[*] of vineyard shall yield one bath,[**] and a homer[***] of seed shall yield an ephah."[****][*literally, ten yokes, or the amount of land that ten yokes of oxen can plow in one day, which is about 10 acres or 4 hectares.][**1 bath is about 22 liters or 5.8 U. S. gallons][***1 homer is about 220 liters or 6 bushels][****1 ephah is about 22 liters or 0.6 bushels or about 2 pecks—only one tenth of what was sown.]

[ESV] For ten acres of vineyard shall yield but one bath, and a homer of seed shall yield but an ephah."

[NIV] A ten-acre vineyard will produce only a bath of wine, a homer of seed only an ephah of grain."

[NIrV] A ten-acre vineyard will produce only six gallons of wine. Six bushels of seeds will produce less than a bushel of grain."

[HCSB] For a ten-acre vineyard will yield only six gallons, and 10 bushels of seed will yield only [one] bushel.

[CSB] For a ten-acre vineyard will yield only six gallons, and 10 bushels of seed will yield only [one] bushel.

[AMP] For ten acres of vineyard shall yield only about eight gallons, and ten bushels of seed will produce but one bushel.

[NLT] Ten acres of vineyard will not produce even six gallons of wine. Ten baskets of seed will yield only one basket of grain."

[YLT] For ten acres of vineyard do yield one bath, And an homer of seed yieldeth an ephah.

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