

[和合本]  神要向他射箭,并不留情。他恨不得逃脱 神的手。

[新标点]  神要向他射箭,并不留情;他恨不得逃脱 神的手。

[和合修] 风【“风”或译“ 神”;下同】无情地击打他,他试图逃脱风的手。

[新译本] 上帝射击他,毫不留情,他甚愿快快逃脱上帝的手。

[当代修] 狂风{注*}毫不留情地击打他,他拼命地逃离风的威力。*{注:“狂风”希伯来文指代不清,也可译作“祂”,指上帝,23节同。}

[现代修] 狂风要袭击他,毫不留情;他拚命要逃脱,但没有效果。

[吕振中] 热风(或译:上帝)向他射箭、全不顾惜;他恨不得快快地逃脱热风(或译:上帝)的势力。

[思高本] 他们成了众人毫不怜悯的箭靶,他们没法逃避恐吓的手。

[文理本] 上帝射之、不施矜恤、欲逃其手而不得、

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Job 27:22

[GNT] it will blow down on them without pity while they try their best to escape.

[BBE] God sends his arrows against him without mercy; he goes in flight before his hand.

[KJV] For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand.

[NKJV] It hurls against him and does not spare; He flees desperately from its power.

[KJ21] For God shall cast upon him, and not spare; he would eagerly flee out of His hand.

[NASB] For it will hurl at him without mercy; He will certainly try to flee from its (Lit hand)power.

[NRSV] It hurls at them without pity; they flee from its power in headlong flight.

[WEB] For it hurls at him, and does not spare, as he flees away from his hand.

[ESV] It hurls at him without pity; he flees from its power in headlong flight.

[NIV] It hurls itself against him without mercy as he flees headlong from its power.

[NIrV] It blows against them without mercy. They try to escape from its power.

[HCSB] It blasts at him without mercy, while he flees desperately from its grasp.

[CSB] It blasts at him without mercy, while he flees desperately from its grasp.

[AMP] For [God and the storm] hurl at him without pity and unsparingly [their thunderbolts of wrath]; he flees in haste before His power.

[NLT] It whirls down on them without mercy. They struggle to flee from its power.

[YLT] And it casteth at him, and doth not spare, From its hand he diligently fleeth.

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