

[和合本] “它在 神所造的物中为首,创造它的给它刀剑。

[新标点] 它在 神所造的物中为首;创造它的给它刀剑。

[和合修] “它在 神所造之物中为首,只有创造它的能携刀临近它。

[新译本] 它在上帝所造的事工中居首,只有创造它的能使刀剑临到它身上。

[当代修] 它是上帝创造的杰作,创造主赐给它利刃{注*}。*{注:“创造主赐给它利刃”或译“只有创造主能持利刃接近它”。}

[现代修] 在我创造的百兽中它最奇特;只有它的创造者能击败它。

[吕振中] “它在上帝之行化中是为首的;它被造来管理同伴(传统:让造他的尽管拿刀剑和它接触)。

[思高本] 它是天主的杰作,造它者赐给了它利刃。

[文理本] 上帝所造、此物为最、惟造之者、赐以锋刃、

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Job 40:19

[GNT] The most amazing of all my creatures! Only his Creator can defeat him.

[BBE] He is the chief of the ways of God, made by him for his pleasure.

[KJV] He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.

[NKJV] He [is] the first of the ways of God; Only He who made him can bring near His sword.

[KJ21] He is the chief of the ways of God; He that made him can make His sword to approach unto him.

[NASB] "He is the first of the ways of God; Let his Maker bring His sword near.

[NRSV] "It is the first of the great acts of God-- only its Maker can approach it with the sword.

[WEB] He is the chief of the ways of God. He who made him gives him his sword.

[ESV] "He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword!

[NIV] He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.

[NIrV] It ranks first among my works. I made it. I can approach it with my sword.

[HCSB] He is the foremost of God's works; [only] his Maker can draw the sword against him.

[CSB] He is the foremost of God's works; [only] his Maker can draw the sword against him.

[AMP] [The hippopotamus] is the first [in magnitude and power] of the works of God [in animal life]; [only] He Who made him provides him with his [swordlike tusks, or only God Who made him can bring near His sword to master him].

[NLT] It is a prime example of God's handiwork, and only its Creator can threaten it.

[YLT] He [is] a beginning of the ways of God, His Maker bringeth nigh his sword;

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