

[和合本] 在我岂不是毫无帮助吗?智慧岂不是从我心中赶出净尽吗?

[新标点] 在我岂不是毫无帮助吗?智慧岂不是从我心中赶出净尽吗?

[和合修] 在我里面岂不是无助吗?智慧岂不是从我心中被赶逐吗?

[新译本] 我里面不是无能自助吗?见识不是离我而去吗?

[当代修] 我毫无自救之力,已到穷途末路。

[现代修] 我一点自救的力量都没有;我没有可求援的地方。

[吕振中] 哎,我自己里面真是毫无助力呀;谋略的成功都从我身上被中赶走了。

[思高本] 在我内还能找到什么作援助?任何扶助岂不都远离了我?

[文理本] 我中非无辅助乎、我智非尽屏除乎、

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Job 6:13

[GNT] I have no strength left to save myself; there is nowhere I can turn for help.

[BBE] I have no help in myself, and wisdom is completely gone from me.

[KJV] Is not my help in me? and is wisdom driven quite from me?

[NKJV] [Is] my help not within me? And is success driven from me?

[KJ21] Is not my help in me? And is wisdom driven quite from me?

[NASB] Is it that my help is not within me, And that a good outcome is driven away from me?

[NRSV] In truth I have no help in me, and any resource is driven from me.

[WEB] Isn't it that I have no help in me, that wisdom is driven away from me?

[ESV] Have I any help in me, when resource is driven from me?

[NIV] Do I have any power to help myself, now that success has been driven from me?

[NIrV] I don't have the power to help myself. All hope of success has been taken away from me.

[HCSB] Since I cannot help myself, [the hope for] success has been banished from me.

[CSB] Since I cannot help myself, [the hope for] success has been banished from me.

[AMP] Is it not that I have no help in myself, and that wisdom is quite driven from me?

[NLT] No, I am utterly helpless, without any chance of success.

[YLT] Is not my help with me, And substance driven from me?

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