

[和合本] 结伴的客旅离弃大道,顺河偏行,到荒野之地死亡。

[新标点] 结伴的客旅离弃大道,顺河偏行,到荒野之地死亡。

[和合修] 商队偏离道路,上到荒凉之地而死亡。

[新译本] 商队顺溪而行,结果偏离原道,走到荒野之地而死亡。

[当代修] 商队偏离原路来找水喝,结果在荒漠中死去。

[现代修] 商队因寻找水源而失散;他们在荒野迷失、死亡。

[吕振中] 结伴的行路人顺河扭转了路,上到荒芜之地就死去。

[思高本] 商队离开大道,走入荒野,因而丧命。

[文理本] 沿溪而行之旅、迂道入野而死、

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Job 6:18

[GNT] Caravans get lost looking for water; they wander and die in the desert.

[BBE] The camel-trains go out of their way; they go up into the waste and come to destruction.

[KJV] The paths of their way are turned aside; they go to nothing, and perish.

[NKJV] The paths of their way turn aside, They go nowhere and perish.

[KJ21] The paths of their way are turned aside; they go to nothing and perish.

[NASB] The (Or caravans turn from their course, they go up into the waste and perish)paths of their course wind along, They go up into wasteland and perish.

[NRSV] The caravans turn aside from their course; they go up into the waste, and perish.

[WEB] The caravans that travel beside them turn away. They go up into the waste, and perish.

[ESV] The caravans turn aside from their course; they go up into the waste and perish.

[NIV] Caravans turn aside from their routes; they go up into the wasteland and perish.

[NIrV] Groups of traders turn away from their usual paths. They go up into the dry and empty land. And they die there.

[HCSB] Caravans turn away from their routes, go up into the desert, and perish.

[CSB] Caravans turn away from their routes, go up into the desert, and perish.

[AMP] The caravans which travel by way of them turn aside; they go into the waste places and perish. [Such is my disappointment in you, the friends I fully trusted.]

[NLT] The caravans turn aside to be refreshed, but there is nothing to drink, so they die.

[YLT] Turn aside do the paths of their way, They ascend into emptiness, and are lost.

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