

[和合本] 我民遭灾的日子,你不当进他们的城门;他们遭灾的日子,你不当瞪眼看着他们受苦;他们遭灾的日子,你不当伸手抢他们的财物。

[新标点] 我民遭灾的日子,你不当进他们的城门;他们遭灾的日子,你不当瞪眼看着他们受苦;他们遭灾的日子,你不当伸手抢他们的财物;

[和合修] 我子民遭灾的日子,你不该进他们的城门;他们遭灾的日子,你不该瞪着眼看他们受苦;他们遭灾的日子,你不该伸手抢他们的财物。

[新译本] 我子民遭灾的日子,你不该进入他们的城门;他们遭灾的日子,你不该看着他们受苦;他们遭灾的日子,你不该抢夺他们的财物。

[当代修] 我子民遭难的日子,你不该闯进他们的城;他们遭难的日子,你不该幸灾乐祸;他们遭难的日子,你不该趁火打劫;

[现代修] 我子民遭难的日子,你不应该闯进他们的城门。他们遭难的日子,你不应该睁眼看他们受苦。他们遭难的日子,你不应该抢夺他们的财物。

[吕振中] 当我人民遭遇患难的日子,你不应该进他的门呀;当他遭遇患难的日子,你也不应该瞪着眼看他受苦呀;当他遭遇患难的日子,你不应该伸手抢他的财物呀。

[思高本] 在我的百姓遭难的时日,你不应闯进他们的门;在他遭难的时日,你也不应对他幸灾乐祸;在他遭难的时日,你更不应伸手劫掠他的财物。

[文理本] 我民遇祸之日、尔不可入其邑门、受罚之日、尔不可旁观其苦、罹害之日、尔不可攘取其财、

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Obadiah 1:13

[GNT] You should not have entered the city of my people to gloat over their suffering and to seize their riches on the day of their disaster.

[BBE] Do not go into the doors of my people on the day of their downfall; do not be looking on their trouble with pleasure on the day of their downfall, or put your hands on their goods on the day of their downfall.

[KJV] Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity;

[NKJV] You should not have entered the gate of My people In the day of their calamity. Indeed, you should not have gazed on their affliction In the day of their calamity, Nor laid [hands] on their substance In the day of their calamity.

[KJ21] Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of My people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity.

[NASB] Do not enter the gate of My people On the day of their disaster. You indeed, do not (Lit look at)gloat over their catastrophe On the day of their disaster. And do not lay a hand on their wealth On the day of their disaster.

[NRSV] You should not have entered the gate of my people on the day of their calamity; you should not have joined in the gloating over Judah's disaster on the day of his calamity; you should not have looted his goods on the day of his calamity.

[WEB] Don't enter into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity. Don't look down on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither seize their wealth on the day of their calamity.

[ESV] Do not enter the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; do not gloat over his disaster in the day of his calamity; do not loot his wealth in the day of his calamity.

[NIV] You should not march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster, nor look down on them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, nor seize their wealth in the day of their disaster.

[NIrV] You should not have marched through the gates of my people's city when they were having so much trouble. You should not have looked down on them. You should not have stolen their wealth.

[HCSB] Do not enter the gate of My people in the day of their disaster. Yes, you-- do not gloat over their misery in the day of their disaster and do not appropriate their possessions in the day of their disaster.

[CSB] Do not enter the gate of My people in the day of their disaster. Yes, you-- do not gloat over their misery in the day of their disaster and do not appropriate their possessions in the day of their disaster.

[AMP] You should not have entered the gate of My people in the day of their calamity and ruin; yes, you should not have looked [with delight] on their misery in the day of their calamity and ruin, and not have reached after their army and their possessions in the day of their calamity and ruin.

[NLT] You should not have plundered the land of Israel when they were suffering such calamity. You should not have gloated over their destruction when they were suffering such calamity. You should not have seized their wealth when they were suffering such calamity.

[YLT] Nor come into a gate of My people in a day of their calamity, Nor look, even thou, on its misfortune in a day of its calamity, Nor send forth against its force in a day of its calamity,

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