

[和合本] 以扫的隐密处何竟被搜寻?他隐藏的宝物何竟被查出?

[新标点] 以扫的隐密处何竟被搜寻?他隐藏的宝物何竟被查出?

[和合修] 以扫遭到搜查,他隐藏的宝物竟被寻出!

[新译本] 以扫要怎样被搜索,他收藏的宝物被搜查出来。

[当代修] 以扫{注*}要被洗劫一空,他藏的珍宝要被搜去。*{注:“ 以扫 ”又名“以东”。}

[现代修] 以扫的后代呀,你的财宝已被掠夺。

[吕振中] 然而以扫怎样被搜寻阿!他藏的宝物怎样被查出阿!

[思高本] 厄撒乌怎样被人搜过了,她的宝藏怎样被人探索了!

[文理本] 以扫何被搜乎、其所藏之宝、何被索乎、

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Obadiah 1:6

[GNT] Descendants of Esau, your treasures have been looted.

[BBE] How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his secret stores looked for!

[KJV] How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!

[NKJV] "Oh, how Esau shall be searched out! [How] his hidden treasures shall be sought after!

[KJ21] How the things of Esau are searched out! How his hidden things are sought out!

[NASB] Oh how Esau will be searched, And his hidden treasures searched out!

[NRSV] How Esau has been pillaged, his treasures searched out!

[WEB] How Esau will be ransacked! How his hidden treasures are sought out!

[ESV] How Esau has been pillaged, his treasures sought out!

[NIV] But how Esau will be ransacked, his hidden treasures pillaged!

[NIrV] People of Esau, everything will be taken away from you. Your hidden treasures will be stolen.

[HCSB] How Esau will be pillaged, his hidden treasures searched out!

[CSB] How Esau will be pillaged, his hidden treasures searched out!

[AMP] How are the things of Esau [Edom] searched out! How are his hidden treasures sought out!

[NLT] Every nook and cranny of Edom will be searched and looted. Every treasure will be found and taken.

[YLT] How hath Esau been searched out! Flowed out have his hidden things,

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