

[和合本] 摩西说:“你们今天吃这个吧!因为今天是向耶和华守的安息日,你们在田野必找不着了。

[新标点] 摩西说:“你们今天吃这个吧!因为今天是向耶和华守的安息日;你们在田野必找不着了。

[和合修] 摩西说:“你们今天就吃这些吧!因为今天是向耶和华守的安息日,你们在野外必找不着食物了。

[新译本] 摩西说:“今天吃这个吧,因为今天是向耶和华守的安息日,今日你们在田野里必找不着。

[当代修] 摩西对他们说:“你们今天就吃这些吧,因为今天是耶和华的安息日,地上不会有食物让你们拾取。

[现代修] 摩西说:“你们就吃留下来的食物吧!因为今天是献给上主的安息圣日,你们在营外找不到食物。

[吕振中] 摩西说:“今天你们就吃这个吧;因为今天是事奉永恒主的安息日;今天你们在田野是找不着的了。

[思高本] 梅瑟说道:“今天吃这些吧!因为今天是敬上主的安息日,今天在野外什么也找不到。

[文理本] 摩西曰、今日可食此、盖今为耶和华之安息日、在野索之不得、

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Exodus 16:25

[GNT] Moses said, "Eat this today, because today is the Sabbath, a day of rest dedicated to the LORD, and you will not find any food outside the camp.

[BBE] And Moses said, Make your meal today of what you have, for this day is a Sabbath to the Lord: today you will not get any in the fields.

[KJV] And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.

[NKJV] Then Moses said, "Eat that today, for today [is] a Sabbath to the LORD; today you will not find it in the field.

[KJ21] And Moses said, "Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath unto the LORD. Today ye shall not find it in the field.

[NASB] Then Moses said, "Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to the Lord; today you will not find it in the field.

[NRSV] Moses said, "Eat it today, for today is a sabbath to the LORD; today you will not find it in the field.

[WEB] Moses said, "Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath to Yahweh. Today you shall not find it in the field.

[ESV] Moses said, "Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to the LORD; today you will not find it in the field.

[NIV] "Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. You will not find any of it on the ground today.

[NIrV] "Eat it today," Moses said. "Today is a Sabbath day in the Lord's honor. You won't find any flakes on the ground today.

[HCSB] "Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. Today you won't find any in the field.

[CSB] "Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. Today you won't find any in the field.

[AMP] Moses said, Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath to the Lord. Today you shall find none in the field.

[NLT] Moses said, "Eat this food today, for today is a Sabbath day dedicated to the LORD. There will be no food on the ground today.

[YLT] And Moses saith, 'Eat it to-day, for to-day [is] a sabbath to Jehovah; to-day ye find it not in the field:

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