

[和合本] 领你到那流奶与蜜之地。我自己不同你们上去,因为你们是硬着颈项的百姓,恐怕我在路上把你们灭绝。”

[新标点] 领你到那流奶与蜜之地。我自己不同你们上去;因为你们是硬着颈项的百姓,恐怕我在路上把你们灭绝。”

[和合修] 那流奶与蜜之地。但我不与你们上去,因为你们是硬着颈项的百姓,免得我在路上把你们灭绝。”

[新译本] 你们要上那流奶与蜜的地方去;我不与你们一同上去,因为你们是硬着颈项的人民,免得我在路上把你们消灭。”

[当代修] 带你们进入那奶蜜之乡。但我不会跟你们一起去,免得我在途中就把你们灭绝了,因为你们是顽固不化的百姓。”

[现代修] 你要去的地方是流奶与蜜的丰饶之地。但是,我不和你们同去;因为你们顽劣,恐怕我会在路上把你们消灭了。”

[吕振中] 你们要上那流奶与蜜之地;但你们既是脖子硬的人民,我就在你们中间上去,免得我在路上把你们灭尽了。”

[思高本] 你往流奶流蜜之地时,我不与你同行,因为你是个执拗的百姓,免得我在路上消灭你。”

[文理本] 导尔至流乳与蜜之地、我不与之偕往、因尔众强项、恐我灭之于途间、

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Exodus 33:3

[GNT] You are going to a rich and fertile land. But I will not go with you myself, because you are a stubborn people, and I might destroy you on the way."

[BBE] Go up to that land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, for fear that I send destruction on you while you are on the way.

[KJV] Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume thee in the way.

[NKJV] "[Go up] to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up in your midst, lest I consume you on the way, for you [are] a stiff-necked people."

[KJ21] unto a land flowing with milk and honey. For I will not go up in the midst of thee, for thou art a stiffnecked people, lest I consume thee on the way."

[NASB] Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up in your midst, because you are (Or a stiff-necked)an obstinate people, and I might destroy you on the way."

[NRSV] Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, or I would consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people."

[WEB] Go to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I consume you on the way."

[ESV] Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people."

[NIV] Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way."

[NIrV] "Go up to the land that has plenty of milk and honey. But I will not go with you. You are stubborn. I might destroy you on the way."

[HCSB] [Go up] to a land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you because you are a stiff-necked people; otherwise, I might destroy you on the way."

[CSB] [Go up] to a land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you because you are a stiff-necked people; otherwise, I might destroy you on the way."

[AMP] Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I destroy you on the way.

[NLT] Go up to this land that flows with milk and honey. But I will not travel among you, for you are a stubborn and rebellious people. If I did, I would surely destroy you along the way."

[YLT] unto a land flowing with milk and honey, for I do not go up in thy midst, for thou [art] a stiff-necked people -- lest I consume thee in the way.'

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