

[和合本] 以色列说:“你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我。”于是打发他出希伯仑谷,他就往示剑去了。

[新标点] 以色列说:“你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我”;于是打发他出希伯仑谷,他就往示剑去了。

[和合修] 以色列对他说:“你去看看你哥哥们是否平安,羊群是否平安,再回来告诉我。”于是他派约瑟出希伯仑谷,约瑟就往示剑去了。

[新译本] 以色列对他说:“你去看看你的哥哥们是不是平安,羊群是不是平安,就回来告诉我。”于是打发他离开希伯仑谷,他就到示剑去了。

[当代修] 以色列说:“你去看看你哥哥们以及羊群是否平安,然后回来告诉我。”于是,约瑟就从希伯仑谷出发去示剑。

[现代修] 父亲告诉他:“你去看看哥哥们是不是平安,羊群是不是安全,回来告诉我。”于是父亲在希伯仑山谷送他动身。约瑟来到示剑,

[吕振中] 以色列对他说:“你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就带回话来给我。”于是打发他出希伯崙山谷,他就往示剑去了。

[思高本] 以色列对他说:“你去看看你哥哥们是否平安,羊群怎样;然后回来告诉我。”以色列便打发他由赫贝龙山谷前去;他到了舍根。

[文理本] 曰、往观诸兄、及群羊安否、而返告我、遂由希伯仑谷遣之、乃往示剑、

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Genesis 37:14

[GNT] His father told him, "Go and see if your brothers are safe and if the flock is all right; then come back and tell me." So his father sent him on his way from Hebron Valley. Joseph arrived at Shechem

[BBE] And he said to him, Go now, and see if your brothers are well and how the flock is; then come back and give me word. So he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[KJV] And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again. So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[NKJV] Then he said to him, "Please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks, and bring back word to me." So he sent him out of the Valley of Hebron, and he went to Shechem.

[KJ21] And he said to him, "Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren and well with the flocks, and bring me word again." So he sent him out of the Vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[NASB] Then he said to him, "Go now and see about the welfare of your brothers and the welfare of the flock, and bring word back to me." So he sent him from the Valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[NRSV] So he said to him, "Go now, see if it is well with your brothers and with the flock; and bring word back to me." So he sent him from the valley of Hebron. He came to Shechem,

[WEB] He said to him, "Go now, see whether it is well with your brothers, and well with the flock; and bring me word again." So he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[ESV] So he said to him, "Go now, see if it is well with your brothers and with the flock, and bring me word." So he sent him from the Valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

[NIV] So he said to him, "Go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks, and bring word back to me." Then he sent him off from the Valley of Hebron. When Joseph arrived at Shechem,

[NIrV] So Israel said to him, "Go to your brothers. See how they are doing. Also see how the flocks are doing. Then come back and tell me." So he sent him away from the Hebron Valley. Joseph arrived at Shechem.

[HCSB] Then Israel said to him, "Go and see how your brothers and the flocks are doing, and bring word back to me." So he sent him from the valley of Hebron, and he went to Shechem.

[CSB] Then Israel said to him, "Go and see how your brothers and the flocks are doing, and bring word back to me." So he sent him from the valley of Hebron, and he went to Shechem.

[AMP] And [Jacob] said to him, Go, I pray you, see whether everything is all right with your brothers and with the flock; then come back and bring me word. So he sent him out of the Hebron Valley, and he came to Shechem.

[NLT] "Go and see how your brothers and the flocks are getting along," Jacob said. "Then come back and bring me a report." So Jacob sent him on his way, and Joseph traveled to Shechem from their home in the valley of Hebron.

[YLT] and he saith to him, 'Go, I pray thee, see the peace of thy brethren, and the peace of the flock, and bring me back word;' and he sendeth him from the valley of Hebron, and he cometh to Shechem.

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