

[和合本] 现在不要因为把我卖到这里自忧自恨,这是 神差我在你们以先来,为要保全生命。

[新标点] 现在,不要因为把我卖到这里自忧自恨。这是 神差我在你们以先来,为要保全生命。

[和合修] 现在,不要因为把我卖到这里而忧伤,对自己生气,因为 神差我在你们以先来,为要保全性命。

[新译本] 现在你们不要因为把我卖到这里来,而自忧自责。这原是上帝差派我在你们以先来这里,为要保全性命。

[当代修] 现在,你们不要因为把我卖到这里而自怨自责。上帝差我先来这里,是为了保住大家的性命。

[现代修] 但是,你们不要为这件事焦急自责。上帝为了保存大家的性命,亲自差我先到这里来。

[吕振中] 现在你们不要因为把我卖到这里来自己忧伤、自己恼怒;因为是为了要保全人类的生命,上帝才差了我在你们以先来的。

[思高本] 现在你们不要因为将我卖到这里便自忧自责;这原是天主派遣我在你们以先来,为保全你们的性命。

[文理本] 勿以鬻我来此、自忧自恨、盖上帝遣我先尔而至、以全尔生、

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Genesis 45:5

[GNT] Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people's lives.

[BBE] Now do not be troubled or angry with yourselves for sending me away, because God sent me before you to be the saviour of your lives.

[KJV] Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.

[NKJV] "But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.

[KJ21] Now therefore be not grieved nor angry with yourselves that ye sold me hither, for God sent me before you to preserve life.

[NASB] Now do not be grieved or angry (Lit in your eyes)with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you (Lit for preservation of life)to save lives.

[NRSV] And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.

[WEB] Now don't be grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.

[ESV] And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.

[NIV] And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.

[NIrV] But don't be upset. And don't be angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me ahead of you to save many lives.

[HCSB] And now don't be worried or angry with yourselves for selling me here, because God sent me ahead of you to preserve life.

[CSB] And now don't be worried or angry with yourselves for selling me here, because God sent me ahead of you to preserve life.

[AMP] But now, do not be distressed and disheartened or vexed and angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to preserve life.

[NLT] But don't be upset, and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives.

[YLT] and now, be not grieved, nor let it be displeasing in your eyes that ye sold me hither, for to preserve life hath God sent me before you.

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